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Emotions Quotes

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I have a Bible study that my friends and I go to here in L.A. I go to church every Sunday. I’ve always been a believer. I love singing. I don’t have the best voice - I just love getting my emotions out.  (Emotions Quotes) Obviously the imagination is fueled by emotions beyond the control of the conscious mind  (Emotions Quotes) Negative emotions like loneliness, envy, and guilt have an important role to play in a happy life; they’re big, flashing signs that something needs to change.  (Emotions Quotes) When I gave birth to my son, something happened. It is a huge thing for a woman: a whole set of emotions you never had before arrives, and a love you never had before in your life is now on tap.  (Emotions Quotes) It gets easier as you get older because life deals its particular hand, and our experiences get deeper, richer, more profound. When I gave birth to my son, something happened. It is a huge thing for a woman: a whole set of emotions you never had before arrives, and a love you never had before in your life is now on tap.  (Emotions Quotes) I think it’s because it was an emotional story, and emotions come through much stronger in black and white. Colour is distracting in a way, it pleases the eye but it doesn’t necessarily reach the heart.  (Emotions Quotes) I love to create, and to me, the ultimate freedom of expression is a blank canvas or a block of clay to capture whatever emotions your imagination gives it.  (Emotions Quotes) I write about moments, and I don’t make blanket statements about anything because no one has all the answers; nobody’s come up with a foolproof way to do anything when it comes to emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) Security in human systems we’re told will always, always last. Emotions are the sail, and blind faith is the mast. Without the breath of real freedom we’re getting nowhere fast.  (Emotions Quotes) Ascension is the triumph of mastered emotions; a process of gaining clarity in the darkness of blind spots and struggles, allowing you to perceive with the karmic intelligence of the Soul.  (Emotions Quotes) Your emotions are meant to fluctuate, just like your blood pressure is meant to fluctuate. It’s a system that’s supposed to move back and forth, between happy and unhappy. That’s how the system guides you through the world.  (Emotions Quotes) I don’t hate the music, but I hate the process. When I look at it, I don’t see song titles and artwork, I see the fight - I see the emotions, the blood, sweat and tears. There are a couple of songs on there that I love; but ‘Lasers’ is a little bit of what you love, a little bit of what you like, and a lot of what you had to do.  (Emotions Quotes) Without the word dream, or the concept dream, and without the word blue and the emotions, I would have been really limited in the things I’ve written and performed.  (Emotions Quotes) What, after all, is the object of education? To train the body in health, vigor and grace, so that it may express the emotions in beauty and the mind with accuracy and strength.  (Emotions Quotes) I’ve worked all my life on the subject of awareness, whether it’s awareness of the body, awareness of the mind, awareness of your emotions, awareness of your relationships, or awareness of your environment. I think the key to transforming your life is to be aware of who you are.  (Emotions Quotes) I sometimes ask people, ‘Can you be aware of your own presence? Not the thoughts that you’re having, not the emotions that you’re having, but the very presence of your very being?’ You become aware of your own presence by sensing the entire energy field in your body that is alive. And that is the totality of your presence.  (Emotions Quotes) Sometimes I get a little confused because with dancing I can express my emotions with my body. With acting you have to do it with your face and your expressions, and then with animated shows you have to use your voice and use your inflections. So it’s definitely a challenge to transfer from each genre of entertainment.  (Emotions Quotes) Punishments include such things as flashbacks, flooding of unbearable emotions, painful body memories, flooding of memories in which the survivor perpetrated against others, self-harm, and suicide attempts.  (Emotions Quotes) An actor’s body should be full of emotions, whether it is happiness or sorrow, pain or joy, enraged or elated.  (Emotions Quotes) Imagine the peace symbol. The peace symbol has three pieces in it. One piece is emotion, that’s your body. Another piece has spirit in it, that’s your fuel. Another piece has intellect in it and that’s your steering wheel. You can never overdo the fuel that goes into the body, which is the emotions and the steering wheel to drive it.  (Emotions Quotes) All the body’s systems and processes - your nerves, your emotions - take instruction from what is going on with your breath.  (Emotions Quotes) I love you, in my mind where my thoughts reside, in my heart where my emotions live, and in my soul where my dreams are born. I love you.  (Emotions Quotes) A bottle of wine begs to be shared; I have never met a miserly wine lover. The social emotions it generates are equidistant from the philatelist’s solitary gloating and the football fan’s gregarious hysteria.  (Emotions Quotes) Downward Spiral’ felt like I had an unending bottomless pit of rage and self-loathing inside me and I had to somehow challenge something or I’d explode. I thought I could get through by putting everything into my music, standing in front of an audience and screaming emotions at them from my guts.  (Emotions Quotes) I think I’d make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who’s in touch with his emotions. Or at least I’d like to be.  (Emotions Quotes) Muse is the brain-sensing headband that allows you to track your cognitive and emotional activity. It boosts your attention and helps you become more aware of the emotions that you’re having.  (Emotions Quotes) There are cognitive processes and limbic reactions associated with basic emotions. And you can change brain chemistry, but you’re still not going to change memories and experiences in a human being.  (Emotions Quotes) I’m interested only in expressing basic human emotions. And the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures shows that I can communicate these basic human emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) Music is powerful; it transforms emotions and experiences into something tangible. Every time you hear a familiar song, the feelings from it bubble to the surface, bringing back memories you might have otherwise forgotten.  (Emotions Quotes) If I sing you broke my heart, you left me flat, everyone knows exactly what that means - they know the story. But if I sing a line that’s plaintive or wailing, people can experience their own set of emotions and their own story. Each of us might give that phrase a different meaning. It’s open to interpretation, and one song becomes a thousand songs. I love that.  (Emotions Quotes)
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