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Emotions Quotes

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I’m not going to be hardened by these people, to these things, I’m not going to let them destroy my feelings or my emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) Tap into people’s emotions. We’ve all been put to sleep by a speaker who just gives the facts. You must tap into people’s feelings.  (Emotions Quotes) I’m not recommending that you think positive thoughts. It’s more about experiencing more emotions and feelings that make you feel more connected with the world.  (Emotions Quotes) Doubt means you’re human - congratulations! It’s natural to have these feelings, and if anything makes you humble, just don’t be ruled by those emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) There’s a big difference between feeling thankful and giving thanks. One response involves emotions, the other, your will. Trusting God has nothing to do with trustful feelings.  (Emotions Quotes) I don’t display emotions. I have every feeling that everyone else has, but I’ve developed ways to suppress them. Anger is one of my most comfortable feelings.  (Emotions Quotes) Especially since I stared studying acting, I feel like I’m always super-aware of my emotions and my feelings and what’s going on with me at every moment.  (Emotions Quotes) It’s not leadership by position that allows people to succeed; it’s the capacity to influence the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, and the actions of other human beings.  (Emotions Quotes) I became an actress and studied human emotions so that I could give the gift of feelings to my son. This is what my whole journey has been about.  (Emotions Quotes) I think what I reacted to so strongly when I first saw ‘Pinocchio’ was that I identified with the character so strongly. The movie takes you on a whole journey, a rollercoaster of emotions, and that sometimes means some very scary places. But in the end, it comes out okay.  (Emotions Quotes) Maybe I spent more time dwelling on emotions than some people, and maybe that’s why I ended up writing.  (Emotions Quotes) I just got one last thing, I urge all of you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get you’re emotions going.  (Emotions Quotes) When you enter a casino, remember that you are entering a place of business run by very shrewd business people who understand human emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) For me, the term psychotherapy is limiting. It implies that we work with mind and emotions, but excludes the body and pays scant attention to the spirit, soul, and broader environmental issues.  (Emotions Quotes) Eternal truths are ultimately invisible, and you won’t find them in material things or natural phenomena, or even in human emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) Women are better than men in handling their emotions, that is why every happy girl is not happy  (Emotions Quotes) People forget that I’m a human being, just because I play a sport that everybody loves. We’re human. We’re not invincible. We share the same feelings and emotions that people on the outside feel. I don’t think people really understand that.  (Emotions Quotes) When the Holy Spirit does his work of regeneration in the hearts of men he does not come on them with great powerful feelings and emotions which cannot be resisted. He does not possess men as evil spirits take possession of their victims.  (Emotions Quotes) I don’t fully understand my wife’s emotions - and I’m supposed to write an excellent female character and unravel the secret of women?  (Emotions Quotes) For me, an ideal novel is a dialogue between writer and reader, both a collaborative experience and an intimate exchange of emotions and ideas. The reader just might be the most powerful tool in a writer’s arsenal.  (Emotions Quotes) My work is immaterial. It’s not painting, it’s not sculpture, it’s emotions. I’m giving you something to experience yourself.  (Emotions Quotes) I believe that curiosity, wonder and passion are defining qualities of imaginative minds and great teachers; that restlessness and discontent are vital things; and that intense experience and suffering instruct us in ways that less intense emotions can never do.  (Emotions Quotes) When you were on stage, you could be absolutely open about your emotions and indulge them and express yourself in a way that - in real life - I wasn’t doing.  (Emotions Quotes) I’m not interested in being famous or anything, but I’m definitely interested in expressing emotions, and acting and filmmaking can be great outlets for that. Filmmaking is an incredible art.  (Emotions Quotes) I knew that I wanted to be a singer/songwriter when I was much younger and, um, I’ve been able to, you know, to realize that dream and I’m very pleased with that...I want to branch out. I want to write. I write poetry...Music is an extraordinary vehicle for expressing emotion-very powerful emotions.  (Emotions Quotes) Although rap is about boasting, it’s also about honesty and expressing your emotions  (Emotions Quotes) I think a lot about the private emotions of black people - what we feel and yet is rarely publicly expressed.  (Emotions Quotes) We all sing about the things we’re thinking; musicals are about expressing those emotions that you can’t talk about. It works a real treat.  (Emotions Quotes) Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.  (Emotions Quotes) Women may think men have it all, but only because we’ve been socialized to express the emotions that are tied to this reality differently, which is to say, men are not to express the emotions that are tied to it.  (Emotions Quotes)
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