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Empathise Quotes

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My favourite pub game is, of course, snooker. Any game whose rules basically amount to finding a table covered in mess and slowly and methodically putting it all away out of sight is one with which I can empathise emphatically  (Empathise Quotes) It’s tricky playing people that you don’t like and finding a way to empathise with them. It’s challenging and very exciting for an actor  (Empathise Quotes) Six is the hardest number for me to experience, the smallest. It’s the absence of something - it’s cold, dark, almost like a black hole. If someone tells me they are depressed, I might imagine myself in the hole of a six to help me empathise.  (Empathise Quotes) It’s tricky playing people that you don’t like and finding a way to empathise with them. It’s challenging and very exciting for an actor.  (Empathise Quotes) Reading and discovering fiction has taught me how to empathise, understand falling in love and all those complex relationships that people have to deal with.  (Empathise Quotes) As an actor it’s your job to empathise with your character regardless of whether they have a different sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, or anything.  (Empathise Quotes)