Employees Quotes

Text Quotes
The American people depend on these federal employees to process, investigate, and adjudicate applications for immigration rights and benefits in a timely and thorough manner. (Employees Quotes)
I see a future where states compete with one another to see which can be the most efficient, and where businesses seek out efficient states in which to locate so they can reap the economic and environmental benefits for their businesses and employees. (Employees Quotes)
CEOs can talk and blab each day about culture, but the employees all know who the jerks are. They could name the jerks for you. It’s just cultural. People just don’t want to do it. (Employees Quotes)
The challenge for corporations, if offices were to become obsolete, is twofold. How will they be able to retain their distinct cultures? And how will they be able to ensure that all employees, wherever they work from, share a united identity and vision? (Employees Quotes)
Most of us don’t think forwarding a racist joke or speaking in an insulting ‘comedic’ accent is appropriate at the workplace. Unfortunately, for those raised in the toxic culture of conservatism, the sort of mentality that leads government employees to do those things is widespread. (Employees Quotes)
The supermarket chain Whole Foods has quite a radical employee empowerment program, where employees get to decide whether another employee can work in their team or not. If they think this person’s a slacker, doesn’t have good ideas, they can vote and say, no, we don’t want this person to be working with us on the vegetable aisle. (Employees Quotes)
Today, no leader can afford to be indifferent to the challenge of engaging employees in the work of creating the future. Engagement may have been optional in the past, but it’s pretty much the whole game today. (Employees Quotes)
Once employees feel challenged, invigorated and productive, their efforts will naturally translate into profit and growth for the organisation. (Employees Quotes)
The employees who share innovative ideas may also be the folks who have some hidden talents that would help incorporate their suggestions. (Employees Quotes)
I like the idea of federal employees licensed to carry weapons who are also heavily medicated; it just works for me on all sorts of levels. (Employees Quotes)
I came up with the idea for what later became Paychex in 1970 when I was working for Electronic Accounting Systems, a company that sold payroll processing to companies with 50 to 1,000 employees. (Employees Quotes)
In life, we do not give employees enough leeway. If you look around Semco’s office, there are plenty of empty desks. The question is - where are these people? I do not have the slightest idea, but I am not interested. (Employees Quotes)
At FDA, our mission is to promote and protect the health of the public. As commissioner, I’ve worked hard to galvanize people around that idea. I want employees to be thinking about the unique and essential contribution they are making to our mission. (Employees Quotes)
Just about anyone can make a good product, but it’s the people that count. In the end, it’s the employees who will take it from a kitchen-table idea to the next level. There are a lot of important things in business, but the people portion comes first. (Employees Quotes)
In the workplace, employees should be judged on their merit and hard work and not on aspects that are irrelevant to their performance. (Employees Quotes)
Your employer is the last person you should want to provide for your healthcare, from a privacy, financial, and value standpoint. Employees with families should get the family, meaning spouses and children, off the company plan. In most cases, that will save them money. (Employees Quotes)
Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven days show increased productivity, get higher scores from customers, and have better safety records. They’re just more engaged at work. (Employees Quotes)
While other state governments stiff their vendors, close parks, delay tax refunds, and ignore unacceptably poor service levels, Indiana state employees are setting national standards for efficiency. (Employees Quotes)
Social-enterprise employees earn wages and pay taxes, reducing their recidivism rates and dependence on government assistance. They also receive crucial on-the-job training, job-readiness skills, literacy instruction and, if necessary, the counseling and mental-health services they need to move into the mainstream workforce. (Employees Quotes)
When I started out in Facebook, it had only 20 people. I saw it grow to a thousand employees and from five million users to over a billion users. I saw it evolve from a service that served college students to one that served the world. (Employees Quotes)
We’ll continue to expand our footprint... Oracle’s Fusion cloud applications for HCM, CRM and ERP all have a new simplified user interface and an integrated social network that makes our enterprise applications as easy-to-use and familiar as Facebook, while enabling better collaboration and teamwork among your employees and your customers. (Employees Quotes)
Prove to yourself that your business, in micro-scale at least, creates value. If you believe it, you’ll find it that much easier to convince potential investors, partners and employees, too. (Employees Quotes)
The blunt tools of legislation or union power can force a corporation to pay higher wages, but if employees don’t create an equal amount of additional value, there’s no net gain. (Employees Quotes)
I find that when you lead with vision and values, engaging employees and showing them that values are just as important as profits, everyone comes on board. And not only do they come on board, but they connect to their own individual creativity. (Employees Quotes)
Wal-Mart is an amazing success story. What I particularly admire very much about the late Sam Walton was his policy of valuing his employees. Giving value to employees is very rare in the retail industry. I also admire the strategies Walton used to build up his discount store concept. (Employees Quotes)
One of the things that I think I do well as a CEO is that I’m present. When I’m with my employees, I’m there in the moment. (Employees Quotes)
Those who purify your water, inspect your meat, and test your kids’ toys, as well as a huge number of nurses, teachers, and our soldiers, are public employees. The firefighters who don’t hesitate to rush toward danger while you run away from it - they are all public employees. (Employees Quotes)
When employees and employers, even coworkers, have a commitment to one another, everyone benefits. I have people who have been in business with me for decades. I reward their loyalty to the organization and to me. I know that they’ll always be dedicated to what we’re trying to accomplish. (Employees Quotes)
Employers and employees alike have learned that in union there is strength (Employees Quotes)
Higher costs naturally translate into fewer employers offering insurance coverage, and fewer employees accepting it, even when it is offered. (Employees Quotes)