Encourages Quotes

Text Quotes
You may be liberal in your praise where praise is due: it costs nothing; it encourages much (Encourages Quotes)
Instead, they asked: How do we prevent our people from screwing up? That approach never encourages a creative response (Encourages Quotes)
Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true (Encourages Quotes)
A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future (Encourages Quotes)
There's much to be said for feeling numb. Time passes more quickly. You eat less, and because numbness encourages laziness, you do fewer things, good or bad, and the world's probably a better place for it (Encourages Quotes)
Champagne, if you are seeking the truth, is better than a lie detector. It encourages a man to be expansive, even reckless, while lie detectors are only a challenge to tell lies successfully (Encourages Quotes)
Perception creates behavior. Perception encourages behavior. And because this institution - this artifice - continues to socially reinforce patterns of perception and behavior, if this behavior is destructive, it may not be a bad idea to eliminate or curtail the institution (Encourages Quotes)
Doth this soul within me, this spirit of thought, and love, and infinite desire, dissolve as well as the body? Has nature, who quenches our bodily thirst, who rests our weariness, and perpetually encourages us to endeavor onwards, prepared no food for this appetite of immortality? (Encourages Quotes)
Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians (Encourages Quotes)
Software patents, in particular, are very ripe for abuse. The whole system encourages big corporations getting thousands and thousands of patents. Individuals almost never get them (Encourages Quotes)
A true friend encourages us, comforts us, supports us like a big easy chair, offering us a safe refuge from the world (Encourages Quotes)
When starting out, don’t worry about not having enough money. Limited funds are a blessing, not a curse. Nothing encourages creative thinking in quite the same way (Encourages Quotes)
If the thought is slow to come, a glass of good wine encourages it; and when it does come, a glass of good wine rewards it (Encourages Quotes)
I don’t think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it (Encourages Quotes)
Marriage encourages the men and women who together create life to unite in a bond for the protection of children (Encourages Quotes)
Science fiction encourages us to explore... all the futures, good and bad, that the human mind can envision (Encourages Quotes)
When the crowd appreciates you, it encourages you to be a little more daring, I think (Encourages Quotes)
You ought to expect better of people. It encourages you to be a better person yourself (Encourages Quotes)
I don’t think we need to extend unemployment any further without paying for it, and without making some modifications such as turning it into a loan at some point. It then encourages people to go back to work (Encourages Quotes)
Our insatiable appetite for fossil fuels and the corporate mandate to maximize shareholder value encourages drilling without taking into account the costs to the ocean, even without major spills (Encourages Quotes)
I think our culture encourages all of us to always put our best foot forward. I think it’s a good thing. I think it’s nice to rise to the occasion, to be kind and considerate, and have self control (Encourages Quotes)
How hard is it, when everything encourages us to sleep, though we may look about us with conscious, clinging eyes, to wake and yet look about us as in a dream, with eyes that no longer know their function and whose gaze is turned inward (Encourages Quotes)
No matter how dark the room gets I can always see. It looks emptier when I put the lights on so I don’t do it if I can help it. Brightness disagrees with me: it hurts my eyes, wastes electricity and encourages moths, all sorts of things. I sit in the dark for a number of reasons (Encourages Quotes)
We tried not to smile, for smiling only encourages men to bore you and waste your time (Encourages Quotes)
Art, because it’s so easy to do, and yet so difficult to do well, encourages humility in the human soul (Encourages Quotes)
Any concept of grace that makes us feel more comfortable sinning is not biblical grace. God’s grace never encourages us to live in sin, on the contrary, it empowers us to say no to sin and yes to truth (Encourages Quotes)
It’s so dangerous to idealize anything, or anyone, or any place, because it gives that thing or person or place a kind of permission to not have to change, and not have to evolve. It encourages us to bury our heads in the sand, or in values that are really morally neutral but that we pretend are moral goods: tradition, community and family for example (Encourages Quotes)
Over the years, one comes to measure a place, too, not just for the beauty it may give, the balminess of its breezes, the insouciance and relaxation it encourages, the sublime pleasures it offers, but for what it teaches. The way in which it alters our perception of the human. It is not so much that you want to return to indifferent or difficult places, but that you want to not forget (Encourages Quotes)
The most serious charge that can be brought against modern benevolence is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression (Encourages Quotes)
Since the social victim has been oppressed by society, he comes to feel that his individual life will be improved more by changes in society than by his own initiative. Without realizing it, he makes society rather than himself the agent of change. The power he finds in his victimization may lead him to collective action against society, but it also encourages passivity within the sphere of his personal life (Encourages Quotes)