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Endeared Quotes

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Earth is embittered to us, that heaven may be endeared  (Endeared Quotes) I’d got over playing a character. People accepted who I was, and if I was incompetent and useless, they felt quite endeared to me  (Endeared Quotes) The universe is but one great city, full of beloved ones, divine and human, by nature endeared to each other  (Endeared Quotes) The place of my birth, and residence for nearly sixteen years, in the early part of my life, became endeared to my feelings and affections; and more especially so after I had quitted it for an unknown place, and to associate with strangers  (Endeared Quotes) As governor of California in 1970, Reagan endeared himself to millions of conservatives nationwide when he publicly rebuked the anti-war movement that was exploding on college campuses.  (Endeared Quotes)