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Endearment Quotes

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And, as a bird each fond endearment tries to tempt its new - fledged offspring to the skies, he tried each art, reproved each dull delay, allured to brighter worlds, and led the way  (Endearment Quotes) My aunt used to call me light bulb head because my head is small at the bottom and bigger at the top. But it was a term of endearment  (Endearment Quotes) Why are terms of endearment always food? Honey, cookie, sugar, pumpkin. Its not like caring about someone is enough to actually sustain you  (Endearment Quotes) That’s a gesture of endearment in some cultures. Some hug, some kiss, some set each other on fire in small patches of woodlan  (Endearment Quotes) Word Powers:A beautiful bitch has four legs, not two. Even terms of, so called, endearment have unintended manifestations. Guard your grill.  (Endearment Quotes) I believe it’s important that we use names of endearment that reflect a special feeling for the individual involved.  (Endearment Quotes)