Enemies Quotes

Text Quotes
If a man has a very decided character, has a strongly accentuated career, it is normally the case of course that he makes ardent friends and bitter enemies (Enemies Quotes)
I love to remember my enemies and I love to get my enemies. I had some enemies. I had people that really I helped a lot. And when I needed the help, in some cases, they were not there for me (Enemies Quotes)
More people have been ruined by their upright friends than ever have been by their enemies! (Enemies Quotes)
I always keep my temper with my enemies, and that inclines me to lose it with my friends (Enemies Quotes)
Next to the disapproval of our friends, the approval of our enemies is most to be dreaded (Enemies Quotes)
I got enemies, I got a lotta enemies. Got a lotta people tryna drain me of my energy (Enemies Quotes)
The military is faithful to the constitution. They will come in only to protect the people from the enemies of the state (Enemies Quotes)
I do not need any friends. I prefer enemies. They are better company and their feelings towards you are always genuine (Enemies Quotes)
Are the worst enemies of society those who attack it or those who do not even give themselves the trouble of defending it? (Enemies Quotes)
I think we should all talk to our enemies and talk to our friends. Talk! That’s the only way we’ll find solutions (Enemies Quotes)
Those who are opposed to armed uprising... must be ruthlessly kicked out as enemies, traitors and cowards (Enemies Quotes)
It was the first time that we had sort of articulated our major problem. She wanted to die and I wanted her to live and we were enemies who loved each other (Enemies Quotes)
Biting enemies seems to be acceptable in a surprisingly narrow range of circumstances, or so a ninja shouted at me once (Enemies Quotes)
People seldom tell the truths that are worth telling. We ought to choose our truths as carefully as we choose our lies and to select our virtues with as much thought as we bestow upon the selection of our enemies (Enemies Quotes)
Don’t worry about making friends; don’t worry about making enemies. Worry about winning, because if you win, your enemies can’t hurt you, and if you lose, your friends can’t stand you (Enemies Quotes)
No gangster is ever happy when he’s at peace. The main reason he’s in the business is to eliminate his enemies (Enemies Quotes)
Among the clergy we find our most violent enemies, those most opposed to any change in woman’s position (Enemies Quotes)
Possession hinders enjoyment. It merely gives you the right to keep things for or from others, and thus you gain more enemies than friends (Enemies Quotes)
Men are always thinking that they are going to do something grandly wicked to their enemies; but when it comes to the point, really bad men are just as rare as really good ones (Enemies Quotes)
Rome, if you do not wish me to betray you, make enemies that I can hate! (Enemies Quotes)
Peace is not just the absence of war. True peace depends upon creating the opportunity that makes life worth living. And to do that, we must confront the common enemies of human beings: nuclear weapons and poverty; ignorance and disease (Enemies Quotes)
A peace deal requires agreements, and you don’t make agreements with your friends, you make agreements with your enemies (Enemies Quotes)
I find that when I am gossiping about my friends, as well as my enemies, I am deeply conscious of performing a social duty. But when I hear they are gossiping about me, I am rightfully filled with righteous indignation (Enemies Quotes)
Virtue is but heroic bravery, to do the thing thought to be true, in spite of all enemies of flesh or spirit, in despite of all temptations or menaces (Enemies Quotes)
A very few, as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men, serve the state with their conscience also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part, and they are commonly treated as enemies by it (Enemies Quotes)
The finished man of the world must eat of every apple at once. He must hold his hatreds also at arm’s length, and not remember spite. He has neither friends nor enemies, but values men only as channels of power (Enemies Quotes)
I hate to be defended in a newspaper. As long as all that is said is said against me, I feel a certain assurance of success. But as soon as honeyed words of praise are spoken for me, I feel as one that lies unprotected before his enemies (Enemies Quotes)
I find that forgiving one’s enemies is a most curious morbid pleasure; perhaps I should check it (Enemies Quotes)
There is not a more prudent maxim, than to live with one’s enemies as if they may one day become one’s friends; as it commonly happens, sooner or later, in the vicissitudes of political affairs (Enemies Quotes)
One of the greatest difficulties in civil war is, that more art is required to know what should be concealed from our friends, than what ought to be done against our enemies (Enemies Quotes)