Enemies Quotes

Text Quotes
When they know what makes you cry, they know what hurts you most. Don’t give your enemies that (Enemies Quotes)
Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving the news that someone in your family has betrayed you to your enemies, one of the most unpleasant experiences in life is a job interview (Enemies Quotes)
Rome remained great as long as she had enemies who forced her to unity, vision, and heroism. When she had overcome them all she flourished for a moment and then began to die (Enemies Quotes)
Coyote never loses. Because I change the rules of the games my enemies play. What are the rules of your game? (Enemies Quotes)
When I heard the ghouls coming for you, all I cared about was reaching you in time. How often must I tell you that you mean more to me than vengeance? I can live without defeating my enemies, but I cannot live without you (Enemies Quotes)
If love is something you cherish, it is hard to glean much joy from death, even in one’s enemies (Enemies Quotes)
Scars are medals branded on the flesh, and your enemies will be frightened by them because they are proof of your long experience of battle (Enemies Quotes)
Sweetheart, never listen to what my enemies say. They’re very confused people. I know they are because I’ve spent years making them that way (Enemies Quotes)
Love is a terrible weakness. It gives your enemies a perfect target, clouds your judgement, makes you reckless... and that’s on a good day (Enemies Quotes)
We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends (Enemies Quotes)
Little vicious minds abound with anger and revenge and are incapable of feeling te pleasure of forgiving their enemies (Enemies Quotes)
Our friends show us what we can do; our enemies teach us what we must do (Enemies Quotes)
The reformer has enemies in all who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order (Enemies Quotes)
Our enemies provide us with a precious opportunity to practice patience and love. We should have gratitude toward them (Enemies Quotes)
When you see contention amongst your enemies, go and sit at ease with your friends; but when you see them of one mind, string your bow, and place stones upon the ramparts (Enemies Quotes)
We must meet our duty and convince the world that we are just friends and brave enemies (Enemies Quotes)
We are inconsolable at being deceived by our enemies and being betrayed by our friends, yet we are often content in be being treated like that by our own selves (Enemies Quotes)
Reconciliation with our enemies is simply a desire to better our condition, a weariness of war, or the fear of some unlucky thing from occurring (Enemies Quotes)
He that stands still and suffers his enemies to double blows upon him without resistance, will undoubtedly be conquered in the issue (Enemies Quotes)
Nothing is more apt to deceive us than our own judgment of our work. We derive more benefit from having our faults pointed out by our enemies than from hearing the opinions of friends (Enemies Quotes)
Men of energy of character must have enemies; because there are two sides to every question, and taking one with decision, and acting on it with effect, those who take the other will of course be hostile in proportion as they feel that effect (Enemies Quotes)
I could be your worst enemy. But I would rather have friends then enemies, and I go to great length to make that the case. There’s much more reward in having friends (Enemies Quotes)
There is a fine art to making enemies and it requires diligent cultivation. It’s not as easy as it looks (Enemies Quotes)
We black men have a hard enough time in our own struggle for justice, and already have enough enemies as it is, to make the drastic mistake of attacking each other and adding more weight to an already unbearable load (Enemies Quotes)
It is our enemies who provide us with the challenge we need to develop the qualities of tolerance, patience and compassion (Enemies Quotes)
More than those who hate you, more than all your enemies, an undisciplined mind does greater harm (Enemies Quotes)
When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest... and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war (Enemies Quotes)
Many men are loved by their enemies, and hated by their friends, and are the friends of their enemies, and the enemies of their friends (Enemies Quotes)
Rage is a powerful energy that with diligent practice can be transformed into fierce compassion. However much we disagree with our enemies, our task is to identify with them. They too feel justified in their point of view (Enemies Quotes)
Nothing is stable in the realm of power, and even closest of friends can be transformed into the worst of enemies (Enemies Quotes)