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Enemy Quotes

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Art hath an enemy call’d ignorance  (Enemy Quotes) Our most merciless enemy is our past  (Enemy Quotes) Invite the man that loves thee to a feast, but let alone thine enemy  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy of joy is not suffering, it is idolatry  (Enemy Quotes) Fretting grief the enemy of life  (Enemy Quotes) Mediocrity is the worst enemy of prosperity  (Enemy Quotes) Art is an instrument in the war against the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Speak no ill of a friend, nor even of an enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Complacency is the enemy of study  (Enemy Quotes) To fight an enemy properly, you have to know what they are. Ignorance is defeat  (Enemy Quotes) Nativity is the enemy of prophecy  (Enemy Quotes) Count me not your friend but the enemy of your enemies  (Enemy Quotes) I was always a friend of southern rights, but an enemy of southern wrongs  (Enemy Quotes) Christianity has ever been the enemy of human love  (Enemy Quotes) Anger is my biggest enemy in life  (Enemy Quotes) I am a mortal enemy to arbitrary government and unlimited power  (Enemy Quotes) There is no greater enemy to those who would please than expectation  (Enemy Quotes) Faith is the wors curse of mankind, as the exact antithesis and enemy of thought  (Enemy Quotes) Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories  (Enemy Quotes) Without local guides, your enemy employs the land as a weapon against you  (Enemy Quotes) That enemy warrior appears to be a formidable opponent. I relish the challenge  (Enemy Quotes) Woman is the daughter of falsehood, a sentinel of hell, the enemy of peace  (Enemy Quotes) Destiny is consciousness of oneself, but consciousness of oneself as an enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Fighting with anybody is very dangerous because you become like your enemy  (Enemy Quotes) An angry enemy encroached on our lives, our territory, our freedom and our independence  (Enemy Quotes) For whatever reason, people aren’t taught that sugar is a massive enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Every man with a bellyful of the classics is an enemy to the human race  (Enemy Quotes) Our enemy is by tradition our savior, in preventing us from superficiality  (Enemy Quotes) Nothing is more fallacious than wealth. It is a hostile comrade, a domestic enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions  (Enemy Quotes)
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