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Enemy Quotes

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He who conquers his enemy with meekness, wins fame  (Enemy Quotes) Perfectionism is the enemy of profitability  (Enemy Quotes) Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity  (Enemy Quotes) Activity is the enemy of investment returns  (Enemy Quotes) Security is mortal’s chiefest enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Doubt is the enemy of success  (Enemy Quotes) Take not thine enemy for thy friend; nor thy friend for thine enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Love your enemy; it will ruin his reputation  (Enemy Quotes) A person is his own worst enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Never do your enemy a minor injury  (Enemy Quotes) Government is the enemy of conservatism and freedom  (Enemy Quotes) Comprehensiveness is the enemy of comprehensibility  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy of stability can be complacency  (Enemy Quotes) Mankind’s worst enemy is fear of work  (Enemy Quotes) All governments require enemy governments  (Enemy Quotes) If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum  (Enemy Quotes) Time is the enemy of freedom  (Enemy Quotes) Complexity is the enemy of execution  (Enemy Quotes) Pain isn’t always the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Fear is the enemy of curiosity  (Enemy Quotes) He however knows when the enemy is stronger  (Enemy Quotes) Discernment: Corruption’s worst enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Organization is the enemy of improvisation  (Enemy Quotes) I am the enemy of anything parochial  (Enemy Quotes) Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Sensual passions are your first enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Adequacy is the enemy of excellence  (Enemy Quotes) Dear haters, I’m not your enemy. I’m your hero  (Enemy Quotes) It’s easier to be terrified by an enemy you admire  (Enemy Quotes) Better the anger of a friend than the kiss of an enemy  (Enemy Quotes)
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