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Enemy Quotes

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Friendship Quotes Love Quotes Life Quotes Funny Quotes Motivational Quotes Inspirational Quotes
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It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend  (Enemy Quotes) If you want to be friend of progression, be the enemy of fear!  (Enemy Quotes) Better are the blows of a friend than the flase kisses of an enemy  (Enemy Quotes) He hasn’t an enemy in the world, and none of his friend like him  (Enemy Quotes) What a man needs to get ahead is a powerful enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Inman’s only thought looking on the enemy was, Go home  (Enemy Quotes) And God said, Love your enemy, and I obeyed Him and loved myself  (Enemy Quotes) God has given you all you need to fight against the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Perfect is the enemy of good  (Enemy Quotes) Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good  (Enemy Quotes) Short-term thinking is the greatest enemy of good government  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy of good television is boredom and predictability  (Enemy Quotes) Good is the enemy of great. That’s why so few things become great.  (Enemy Quotes) Having an enemy that is visible out in the daylight is a good thing  (Enemy Quotes) There is no more somber enemy of good art than the pram in the hall  (Enemy Quotes) Power is the great enemy of freedom  (Enemy Quotes) Pride is the great enemy of unity  (Enemy Quotes) Oh, time betrays us. Time is the great enemy ...  (Enemy Quotes) It’s great to have an enemy. Sharpens your senses.  (Enemy Quotes) To truly defeat an enemy, no sacrifice is too great  (Enemy Quotes) . . . a dirty exterior is a great enemy to beauty of all descriptions  (Enemy Quotes) My soul is too glad and too great to be at heart the enemy of any man  (Enemy Quotes) Self importance is man’s greatest enemy  (Enemy Quotes) A hateful heart is the greatest enemy of its self-love  (Enemy Quotes) It seems that man’s greatest natural enemy is the target  (Enemy Quotes) If you love your enemy, that means you want your enemy to be happy  (Enemy Quotes) He hasn’t an enemy in the world - but all his friends hate him  (Enemy Quotes) The worst enemy women have is in the pulpit  (Enemy Quotes) There are hardly half a dozen writers in England today who have not sold out to the enemy. Even when their good work has been a success, mammon grips them and whispers: More money for more work  (Enemy Quotes) The heart's fierce effort to protect itself from every slight, to shield its touchy honor from the bad opinion of friend and enemy, will never let the mind have rest  (Enemy Quotes)
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