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Enemy Quotes

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We know that the white man does not understand our ways. One portion of land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother, but his enemy, and when he has conquered it, he moves on  (Enemy Quotes) Convince an enemy, convince him that he’s wrong. To win a bloodless battle, the victory is long. A simple act of faith, reason over might. To blow up his children would only prove him right  (Enemy Quotes) No man ever did me so much good, or enemy so much harm, but I repaid him with interest  (Enemy Quotes) Fate is the friend of the good, the guide of the wise, the tyrant of the foolish, the enemy of the bad  (Enemy Quotes) Ambition is torment enough for an enemy; for it affords as much discontentment in enjoying as in want, making men like poisoned rats, which, when they have tasted of their bane, cannot rest till they drink, and then can much less rest till they die  (Enemy Quotes) If there be no enemy, no fight; if do fight, no victory; if no victory, no crown  (Enemy Quotes) The great enemy of knowledge is not error, but inertness. All that we want is discussion; and then we are sure to do well, no matter what our blunders may be. One error conflicts with another, each destroys its opponent, and truth is evolved  (Enemy Quotes) When a man but half forgives his enemy, it is like leaving a bag of rusty nails to interpose between them  (Enemy Quotes) Ease is the enemy of the artist. When things get too easy, you’re in trouble  (Enemy Quotes) Unfortunately, I am very aware of editing and I look at the monitor too much. Sometimes the monitor can become your worst enemy because you can, consciously or unconsciously, start editing yourself  (Enemy Quotes) I’m not a good person to have as an enemy; say nice things about me  (Enemy Quotes) I don’t hide out. If you build a wall around yourself, it draws people to invade it. Fear is the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) It’s impossible to consider living without ideals. However, when ideas lead to ideology, that’s a very dangerous thing. Ideology then leads to creating the image of an enemy, and it leads to the murder and massacre that we’ve seen since the beginning of time  (Enemy Quotes) The perennial conviction that those who work hard and play by the rules will be rewarded with a more comfortable present and a stronger future for their children faces assault from just about every direction. That great enemy of democratic capitalism, economic inequality, is real and growing  (Enemy Quotes) Corruption is the enemy of development, and of good governance. It must be got rid of. Both the government and the people at large must come together to achieve this national objective  (Enemy Quotes) We’re programmed to believe that time is the enemy, that it takes away from us or that it diminishes us. I have found that it’s done the opposite to me. Life is in perfect balance. It’s just that our perception of it isn’t  (Enemy Quotes) The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears  (Enemy Quotes) Time, which is so often an enemy in life, can also become our ally if we see how a pale moment can lead to a glowing moment, and then turn to a moment of perfect transparency, before dropping again to a moment of everyday simplicity  (Enemy Quotes) Full sexual consciousness and a natural regulation of sexual life mean the end of mystical feelings of any kind. In other words, natural sexuality is the deadly enemy of mystical religion. The church, by making the fight over sexuality the center of its dogmas and of its influence over the masses, confirms this concept  (Enemy Quotes) The rational approach start from the idea that everything is explainable and that mystery is in some sense the enemy. This means that it prefers pejorative, and even wrong, answers to admitting its own lack of understanding  (Enemy Quotes) When composing a verse let there not be a hair’s breath separating your mind from what you write; composition of a poem must be done in an instant, like a woodcutter felling a huge tree or a swordsman leaping at a dangerous enemy  (Enemy Quotes) .., by universal custom, your enemy is never more polite than when he is planning or has planned your destruction  (Enemy Quotes) I think that most people would rather face the light of a real enemy than the darkness of their imagined fears  (Enemy Quotes) Some people tried to hurt us to protect themselves, their family and communities... This was one of the consequences of civil war. People stopped trusting each other, and every stranger became an enemy. Even people who knew you became extremely careful about how they related or spoke to you  (Enemy Quotes) Forgiveness flounders because I exclude the enemy from the community of humans and myself from the community of sinners  (Enemy Quotes) There was no warning, not even a knock. The door flew open, and he forgot his present aches and pains in anticipation of what lay in store. The figure that stood in the door was not that of an enemy. It was worse. It was his mother  (Enemy Quotes) Fear is an enemy that can be killed only at close range. The closest range of all is intimacy. The deeper the fear is embedded in one’s spirit, the more vulnerable it is  (Enemy Quotes) There was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults, unless it was to have a friend underestimate your virtues  (Enemy Quotes) Death is no enemy, but the foundation of gratitude, sympathy, and art. Of all life’s pleasures, only love owes no debt to death  (Enemy Quotes) That’s the way it goes sometimes: in order to help your friends, first you have to help your enemy. Better get used to it  (Enemy Quotes)
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