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Enemy Quotes

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Sex is the driving force on the planet. We should embrace it, not see it as the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) As a people, we value family, education and success. Hunger is an enemy to all three. Scientific studies have demonstrated that even brief periods of hunger can permanently inhibit a child’s mental, emotional and physical growth. Kids who are hungry do poorly in school and are unlikely to grow into productive adults. For families, experiencing hunger means living in a world of isolation and shame. Caring citizens must put an end to this disgrace  (Enemy Quotes) If one would have a friend, then must one also be willing to wage war for him: and in order to wage war, one must be capable of being an enemy  (Enemy Quotes) There is nothing worse than having an enemy who is a total loser. It’s incredibly frustrating when seeking revenge against one, because you come to the realization that there is really nothing you can do to make the person’s life worse than it already is. They have nothing to take; there is no way to screw them over if you have been their victim. It’s maddening  (Enemy Quotes) If you take a shot at someone, you keep firing until they can no longer return fire. Wound them, and you have an angry enemy who knows your position  (Enemy Quotes) Here is one of the first rules of politics: it’s not enough that I do well; I must also destroy my enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Politics, as any observer of the modern world knows, is the enemy of economics, everywhere and always  (Enemy Quotes) Would not the sight of a single enemy airplane be enough to induce a formidable panic? Normal life would be unable to continue under the constant threat of death and imminent destruction  (Enemy Quotes) Above all, I shall see to it that the enemy will not be able to drop any bombs  (Enemy Quotes) I think it is well... for the man in the street to realise there is no power on earth that can protect him from bombing, whatever people may tell him. The bomber will always get through. The only defence is in offence, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly than the enemy if you want to save yourselves  (Enemy Quotes) The best way to defend the bombers is to catch the enemy before it his in position to attack. Catch them when they are taking off, or when they are climbing, or when they are forming up. Don’t think you can defend the bomber by circling around him. It’s good for the bombers morale, and bad for tactics  (Enemy Quotes) The frying pan you should give to your enemy. Food should not be prepared in fat. Our bodies are adapted to a stone age diet of roots and vegetables  (Enemy Quotes) If in order to kill the enemy you have to kill an innocent, don’t take the shot. Don’t create more enemies than you take out by some immoral act  (Enemy Quotes) Only a fool lets somebody else tell him who his enemy is... never let your enemies choose your enemies for you  (Enemy Quotes) Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. I didn’t have to become perfect because I’ve learned throughout my journey that perfection is the enemy of greatness  (Enemy Quotes) Whoever benefits his enemy with straightforward intention that man’s enemies will soon fold their hands in devotion  (Enemy Quotes) Besides it is an error to believe that rigour is the enemy of simplicity. On the contrary we find it confirmed by numerous examples that the rigorous method is at the same time the simpler and the more easily comprehended. The very effort for rigor forces us to find out simpler methods of proof  (Enemy Quotes) We need racist stereotypes right now of our enemy in order to encourage our warriors to kill the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Time, which is your enemy in almost everything in this life, is your friend in writing  (Enemy Quotes) When we know something and rest in that knowing we limit our vision. We will only see what our knowing will allow us to see. In this way experience can be our enemy  (Enemy Quotes) If you feel blocked, do not turn to others, but look inside, in silence, for the enemy of your progress  (Enemy Quotes) The duty of the fighter pilot is to patrol his area of the sky, and shoot down any enemy fighters in that area. Anything else is rubbish  (Enemy Quotes) I opened fire when the whole windshield was black with the enemy... at minimum range... it doesn’t matter what your angle is to him or whether you are in a turn or any other maneuver  (Enemy Quotes) Their element is to attack, to track, to hunt, and to destroy the enemy. Only in this way can the eager and skillful fighter pilot display his ability. Tie him to a narrow and confined task, rob him of his initiative, and you take away from him the best and most valuable qualities he posses: aggressive spirit, joy of action, and the passion of the hunter  (Enemy Quotes) The experienced fighting pilot does not take unnecessary risks. His business in to shoot down enemy planes, not to get shot down. His trained hand and eye and judgment are as much a part of his armament as his machinegun, and a fiftyfifty chance is the worst he will take or should take except where the show is of the kind that... justifies the sacrifice of plane or pilot  (Enemy Quotes) I gained in experience with every plane shot down, and now was able to fire in a calm, deliberate manner. Each attack was made in a precise manner. Distance and deflection were carefully judged before firing. This is not something that comes by accident; only by experience can a pilot overcome feelings of panic. A thousand missions could be flown and be of no use if the pilot has not exchanged fire with the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy is not the badly written page; it is the empty page the great advantage of a badly written page is that it can be rewritten. It can be improved. A blank page is zero. In fact, it’s worse than zero, because it represents territory you’re afraid, unwilling, or too lazy to explore. Avoid exploring this territory long enough, and you’ll abandon your book  (Enemy Quotes) I have ever found it, when I have thought the battle was over and the conquest gained, and so let down my watch, the enemy has risen up and done me the greatest injury  (Enemy Quotes) We need to remember who the enemy is, and then we need to eat them alive  (Enemy Quotes) War, once declared, must be waged offensively, aggressively. The enemy must not be fended off; but smitten down. You may then spare him every exaction, relinquish every gain, but „til then he must be struck incessantly and remorselessly  (Enemy Quotes)
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