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Enemy Quotes

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In a rook and pawn ending, the rook must be used aggressively. It must either attack enemy pawns, or give active support to the advance of one of its own pawns to the queening square  (Enemy Quotes) Ingratitude is the soul’s enemy... Ingratitude is a burning wind that dries up the source of love, the dew of mercy, the streams of grace  (Enemy Quotes) I don’t go out there to love my enemy. I go out there to squash him  (Enemy Quotes) Now in the light of past and present events the bitter truth must be spoken. We feared too little and we hoped too much. We underestimated the bestiality of the enemy; we overestimtaed the humanity, the wisdom, the sense of justice of our friends  (Enemy Quotes) A man does a lot of praying in an enemy prison. Prayer, even more than sheer thought, is the firmest anchor  (Enemy Quotes) Idleness is the enemy of the soul; and therefore the brethren ought to be employed in manual labor at certain times, at others, in devout reading  (Enemy Quotes) The art of concentrating strength at one point, forcing a breakthrough, rolling up and securing the flanks on either side, and then penetrating like lightning deep into his rear, before the enemy has time to react  (Enemy Quotes) Man seems not so much wicked as frail, unable to face pain, trouble and growing old. A good woman knows that nature is her enemy. Look at what it does to her  (Enemy Quotes) There is no enemy can hurt us but by our own hands. Satan could not hurt us, if our own corruption betrayed us not. Afflictions cannot hurt us without our own impatience. Temptations cannot hurt us, without our own yieldance. Death could not hurt us, without the sting of our own sins. Sins could not hurt us, without our own impenitence  (Enemy Quotes) When we become negative and ungrateful, it is important to remember... We have met the enemy; and he is us  (Enemy Quotes) In my youth I loved climbing and scrambling up rocks and mountains: now I seldom intrude on the dweller of a second story, and my greatest enemy or friend may avoid me altogether on the third; so humbled is the aspiring spirit of my youth  (Enemy Quotes) The advent of interconnectedness and of weapons of mass destruction means that, increasingly, I share a destiny with my enemy  (Enemy Quotes) This is one of the consequences of the civil war. People stop trusting each other, and every stranger becomes an enemy  (Enemy Quotes) If you give a man the correct information for seven years, he may believe the incorrect information on the first day of the eighth year when it is necessary, from your point of view, that he should do so. Your first job is to build credibility and the authenticity of your propaganda, and persuade the enemy to trust you although you are his enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Some men are too dull to feel what might happen. Others torture themselves with maybes and populate their dreams with horrors more terrible than their worst enemy could inflict upon them  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy of feminism isn’t men. It’s patriarchy, and patriarchy is not men. It is a system, and women can support the system of patriarchy just as men can support the fight for gender equality  (Enemy Quotes) Obstacles do not appear in your way in order to stop you. Rather, they appear in order to strengthen and hone you and your plans. They are not your enemy. They are your secret ally, but only if you treat them as friendly forces of nature  (Enemy Quotes) He who is mistaken in an action which he sincerely believes to be right may be an enemy, but retains our esteem  (Enemy Quotes) Wars damage the civilian society as much as they damage the enemy. Soldiers never get over it  (Enemy Quotes) Hate wears you down and doesn’t hurt your enemy. It’s like taking poison and hoping your enemy will die  (Enemy Quotes) Listen to me instead of your financial manager: It’s okay to spend money, to save it, to give it away, to worry over it. It’s just money. Your only enemy in life is time. Do be miser with time: hoard it, treasure it, don’t squander a single minute of it  (Enemy Quotes) We’re in a declared war, but unless were clear about who the enemy is, we’ll waste our time fighting enemies that aren’t enemies at all. There’s only one enemy and no matter what people do, say or react people are never the enemy. The enemy is our only enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Thinking can really be the enemy of action, and thinking can be the enemy of reality  (Enemy Quotes) When you’re up against a superior enemy, sometimes it’s okay to just bow out gracefully  (Enemy Quotes) You are the cause of your own joy or your own misery. You hold that power. You are your own friend and your own enemy  (Enemy Quotes) The first and fiercest punishment ought to fall first on the traitor, second on the enemy. If I had but one bullet and I were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it  (Enemy Quotes) You must train harder than the enemy who is trying to kill you. You will get all the rest you need in the grave  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy wants to steal our peace and keep us stirred up, anxious, fearful, upset, and always in a stance of waiting for something terrible to happen at any minute  (Enemy Quotes) For one who has really mastered the way of warfare, his enemy can do nothing to escape death  (Enemy Quotes) When the enemy comes with shame and blame, tell him to go measure the distance from east to west and get back to you  (Enemy Quotes)
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