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Enemy Quotes

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He, who for an ordinary cause, resigns the fate of his patient to mercury, is a vile enemy to the sick; and, if he is tolerably popular, will, in one successful season, have paved the way for the business of life, for he has enough to do, ever afterward, to stop the mercurial breach of the constitutions of his dilapidated patients. He has thrown himself in fearful proximity to death, and has now to fight him at arm’s length as long as the patient maintains a miserable existence  (Enemy Quotes) Do not give the terrorists, the enemy combatants, the people who blow up folks at weddings, who fly airplanes into the twin towers, the ability to sue our own troops all over the country for any and everything  (Enemy Quotes) Two passed pawns advancing on the enemy pieces have brought me more than a dozen points in tournaments  (Enemy Quotes) I have always believed that life is too short for rows and disagreements. Even if I think I’m right, I would prefer to apologize and remain friends rather than win and be an enemy  (Enemy Quotes) ... Our losses... have reached an intolerable level. The enemy air force played a decisive role in inflicting these high losses  (Enemy Quotes) We will be in tune with our bodies only if we truly love and honor them. We can’t be in good communication with the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) We don’t criticize. Criticism is an enemy. You’ve got to make loving, positive suggestions  (Enemy Quotes) Education is a danger... At best an education which produces useful coolies for us is admissible. Every educated person is a future enemy  (Enemy Quotes) If in a battle, I seize a bit of debatable land with a handful of soldiers, without having done anything to prevent an enemy bombardment of the position, would it ever occur to me to speak of a conquest of the terrain in question? Obviously not. Then why should I do so in chess?  (Enemy Quotes) For too long, musicians have been the greatest enemy of music. Their lack of desire to proselytize is a kind of betrayal  (Enemy Quotes) Do the things you think you cannot do. Do all the good you can, by all the means available, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, all the times you can, for as long as ever you can. Our own feelings of helplessness are our own worst enemy  (Enemy Quotes) All women should understand that a mammogram is nothing to be afraid of. It’s not an enemy but a friend. Early detection is the key to the cure  (Enemy Quotes) I count myself really fortunate that I have some lifelong friends. The best thing about a friend is when you are being your own worst enemy a friend can help snap you out of it  (Enemy Quotes) Nobody makes me do anything I don’t want to do. It’s my decision. So the biggest devil is me. I’m either my best friend or my worst enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Watch yourself with all diligence, lest the enemy steals near and robs you, depriving you of this great treasure, which is inner peace and stillness of soul. The enemy strives to destroy the peace of the soul, because he knows that when the soul is in turmoil it is more easily led to evil. But you must guard your peace  (Enemy Quotes) ... unless the grace of God comes to the help of our frailty, to protect and defend it, no man can withstand the insidious onslaughts of the enemy nor can he damp down or hold in check the fevers which burn in our flesh with nature’s fire  (Enemy Quotes) Each step may seem to take forever, but no matter how uninspired you feel, continue to follow your practice schedule precisely and consistently. This is how we can use our greatest enemy, habit, against itself  (Enemy Quotes) I use to think that the friction was a bad thing. Everything is to ease pain in our society; pain is very much the enemy. And I don’t think that’s true. Tension is a good thing. To be pulled tight: that’s the only way you can make a proper noise on the guitar or violin  (Enemy Quotes) Sometimes it was easier to swim with the current rather than fight against it. There was always a shallow pool somewhere ahead. Memories are like battles, and battles can go one way or the other. You can stand and fight, no matter what pains run from you wounds; or you can turn tail and run, knowing then that the enemy will follow and without mercy hunt you down. We had so many dreams as children. Where do they all go when we grow? Are they swallowed up by the mundane things of everyday life? Or do we lose them, leave them behind us in the dust, for new children to find and take up?  (Enemy Quotes) Bureaucracies are designed to perform public business. But as soon as a bureaucracy is established, it develops an autonomous spiritual life and comes to regard the public as its enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Satisfaction may be the goal of the common man; but it is the enemy of greatness  (Enemy Quotes) Today you are standing in a position that would please the friend and would anger the enemy and all the infidels. You will be victorious against the enemies and you are causing them to suffer  (Enemy Quotes) Wine is like women. It tempts you; it comforts you; it confuses you and can even turn on you when you least expect it. It can be your friend one day and your enemy the next  (Enemy Quotes) Big mountains are a completely different world: snow, ice, rocks, sky, and thin air. You cannot conquer them, only rise to their height for a short time; and for that they demand a great deal. The struggle is not with the enemy, or a competitor like in sports, but with yourself, with the feelings of weakness and inadequacy. That struggle appeals to me. It is why I became a mountaineer  (Enemy Quotes) Some of us, perhaps all of us, believe that it is legitimate to kill enemy soldiers in a war, as if war were a special circumstance that shrinks the sizes of enemy souls  (Enemy Quotes) I have been accused of many things in my life, but not even my worst enemy has ever accused me of being afraid to speak my mind  (Enemy Quotes) The biggest enemy to the partnership of dressage is impatience and the human nature to dominate other creatures  (Enemy Quotes) Government is a gun that shoots money at your enemy and blows up in your face  (Enemy Quotes) When you give in to aversion and anger, it’s as though, having decided to kill someone by throwing him into a river, you wrap your arms around his neck, jump into the water with him, and you both drown. In destroying your enemy, you destroy yourself as well  (Enemy Quotes) I am still bullied occasionally. However, none of my current bullies really exist. They’re all in my head. Be your own best friend instead of your worst enemy  (Enemy Quotes)
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