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Enemy Quotes

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I consider it a mark of great prudence in a man to abstain from threats or any contemptuous expressions, for neither of these weaken the enemy, but threats make him more cautious, and the other excites his hatred, and a desire to revenge himself  (Enemy Quotes) What madness it is for a man to starve himself to enrich his heir, and so turn a friend into an enemy! For his joy at your death will be proportioned to what you leave him  (Enemy Quotes) If I wish to engage, then the enemy, for all his high ramparts and deep moat, cannot avoid engagement; I attack that which he is obliged to rescue  (Enemy Quotes) More than once I had seen a noble who had gotten his enemy at a disadvantage stop to pray before cutting his throat  (Enemy Quotes) He is his own best friend and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude  (Enemy Quotes) The sun should not set upon our anger, neither should he rise upon our confidence. We should forgive freely, but forget rarely. I will not be revenged, and this I owe to my enemy; but I will remember, and this I owe to myself  (Enemy Quotes) An act by which we make one friend and one enemy is a losing game; because revenge is a much stronger principle than gratitude  (Enemy Quotes) The war between the sexes is the only one in which both sides regularly sleep with the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Of all the passions, jealousy is that which exacts the hardest service, and pays the bitterest wages. Its service is to watch the success of one’s enemy; its wages to be sure of it  (Enemy Quotes) There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) That wife is an enemy to her husband who is given in marriage against her will  (Enemy Quotes) To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable. The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy  (Enemy Quotes) Inflict not on an enemy every injury in your power, for he may afterwards become your friend  (Enemy Quotes) If you get rich in the name of the poor, fine and dandy. The problem is when you earn it. If you earn the money in the private sector by starting a business and hiring a lot of people, that’s when you become the enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Our enemy, the devil, wants to control us, and his target is our will. The main way he tries to influence our will is through lying to us  (Enemy Quotes) Fear is the great enemy of intimacy. Fear makes us run away from each other or cling to each other but does not create true intimacy  (Enemy Quotes) Violent movements attract thugs and firebrands who enjoy the mayhem. Violent tactics provide a pretext for retaliation by the enemy and alienate third parties who might otherwise support the movement  (Enemy Quotes) Quantity in diet is more to be regarded than quality. A full meal is a great enemy both to study and industry  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy for the fanatic is pleasure, which makes it extremely important to continue to indulge in pleasure. Dance madly. That is how you get rid of terrorism  (Enemy Quotes) The reasoning man who scorns the prejudices of simpletons necessarily becomes the enemy of simpletons; he must expect as much, and laugh at the inevitable  (Enemy Quotes) Your worst enemy, he reflected, was your nervous system. At any moment the tension inside you was liable to translate itself into some visible symptom  (Enemy Quotes) The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible  (Enemy Quotes) It takes your enemy and your friend, working together, to hurt you to the heart: the one to slander you and the other to get the news to you  (Enemy Quotes) You get your freedom by letting your enemy know that you’ll do anything to get it. Then you’ll get it. It’s the only way you’ll get it  (Enemy Quotes) Do not forget that a traitor within our ranks, known to us, can do more harm to the enemy than a loyal man can do good to us  (Enemy Quotes) You can love a person dear to you with a human love, but an enemy can only be loved with divine love  (Enemy Quotes) Death has such great importance in this society that it affects everything. I learned from my guru that death is not the enemy, I see it as another moment. Yet it’s the end of an incarnation and means going on to other incarnations  (Enemy Quotes) No army has ever marched into battle thinking that the Creator had sided with their enemy  (Enemy Quotes) Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our church. We are fighting today for costly grace  (Enemy Quotes) Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without ever bothering to examine the evidence  (Enemy Quotes)
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