Energy Quotes

Text Quotes
I really need people to take responsibility for the kind of energy they bring to me (Energy Quotes)
Education in philosophy is energy speaking to energy, a higher perspective of spirit that is trying to awaken its next natural generation to something beyond the stupid appearances of things (Energy Quotes)
We either misdirect or depress great amounts of energy in order to keep ourselves from feeling pain, including what we feel in the moment and being who we are in the moment (Energy Quotes)
It was not that the jagged precipices were lofty, that the encircling woods were the dimmest shade, or that the waters were profoundly deep; but that over all, rocks, wood, and water, brooded the spirit of repose, and the silent energy of nature stirred the soul to its inmost depths (Energy Quotes)
A citizen of an advanced industrialized nation consumes in six months the energy and raw materials that have to last the citizen of a developing country his entire lifetime (Energy Quotes)
Generate so much loving energy that people want to just come and hang out with you. And when they show up, bill them! (Energy Quotes)
I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative (Energy Quotes)
Dark energy is incredibly strange, but actually it makes sense to me that it went unnoticed, because dark energy has no effect on daily life, or even inside our solar system (Energy Quotes)
It’s everywhere, really. It’s between the galaxies. It is in this room. We believe that everywhere that you have space, empty space, that you cannot avoid having some of this dark energy (Energy Quotes)
Until the 1990s, there were few reliable observations about movement at the scale of the entire universe, which is the only scale dark energy effects. So dark energy could not be seen until we could measure things very, very far away (Energy Quotes)
Women have been held back and limited throughout the centuries. Creation could not have been rendered, not even considered, let alone be brought into manifestation without woman. She is principal, a powerful energy. She is first (Energy Quotes)
Let me end with an explanation of why I believe the move into space to be a human imperative. It seems to me obvious in too many ways to need listing that we cannot much longer depend upon our planet’s relatively fragile ecosystem to handle the realities of the human tomorrow. Unless we turn human growth and energy toward the challenges and promises of space, our only other choice may be the awful risk, currently demonstrable, of stumbling into a cycle of fratricide and regression which could end all chances of our evolving further or of even surviving (Energy Quotes)
If a person is open to a new world view, it can often mean that he is not firmly rooted in the reality of the old world view; as a lunatic or alienated artist, his own neurotic traits can become magnified as they tremble with the new energy pouring in from the universal source (Energy Quotes)
Trade and money, which go together in a stream of energy, inevitably wash away the enclosing walls of a society of status (Energy Quotes)
We are the most focused company that I know of or have read of or have any knowledge of. We say no to good ideas every day. We say no to great ideas in order to keep the amount of things we focus on very small in number, so that we can put enormous energy behind the ones we do choose... It’s not just saying yes to the right products, it’s saying no to many products that are good ideas, but just not nearly as good as other ones (Energy Quotes)
The edge of the conflict swayed to and fro, with wild whirlpools and eddies. At times I saw around me more of the enemy than of my own men; gaps opening, swallowing, closing again with sharp convulsive energy. All around, a strange, mingled roar (Energy Quotes)
When you make something, if you are a painter or a writer, a degree, or a sculptor or whatever or a musician, a degree of energy is required to make it, and I’m not sure that it is always aggressive, but when you have a great deal of energy it can appear to be more aggressive than it is. In fact, I mean you can talk about a waterfall being aggressive, but in fact it is just a very powerful forward movement of energy, and although I think sometimes my engine house is a kind of anger (Energy Quotes)
Girls who stay true to themselves manage to find some way to respect the parts of themselves that are spiritual. They work for the betterment of the world. Girls who act from their false selves are often cynical about making the world a better place. They have given up hope. Only when they reconnect with the parts of themselves that are alive and true will they again have the energy to take on the culture and fight to save the planet (Energy Quotes)
It’s amazing what eliminating energy drains can do to our mood. Remember how good you felt when you finally went through your closet and cleaned out the old clothes that you were sure you’d wear again someday? (Energy Quotes)
Although the optimist may be a little giddy when foreseeing the future, telling himself that it will all work out in the end when that isn’t always the case, his attitude is more fruitful since, in the hope of undertaking a hundred projects, followed up by diligent action, the optimist will end up completing fifty. Conversely, in limiting himself to undertake a mere ten, the pessimist might complete five at best and often fewer, since he’ll devote little energy to a task he feels to be doomed from the start (Energy Quotes)
There is inside you all of the potential to be whatever you want to be all of the energy to do whatever you want to do (Energy Quotes)
It’s a hard, simple calculus: Run until you can’t run anymore. Then run some more. Find a new source of energy and will. Then run even faster (Energy Quotes)
Available energy is the main object at stake in the struggle for existence and the evolution of the world (Energy Quotes)
I’m not gonna sit around and waste my precious divine energy trying to explain and be ashamed of things you think are wrong with me (Energy Quotes)
Vortices of pure energy can exist and, if my theories are right, can compose the bodily form of an intelligent species (Energy Quotes)
I believe that there have been civilisations in the past that were familiar with atomic energy, and that by misusing it they were totally destroyed (Energy Quotes)
You stand exactly in the middle, poised between heaven and earth, a human conductor for the energy that seeks to flow between these two polarities (Energy Quotes)
I can tell you that anything that happens in the physical body will happen in the pattern of the energy fields first (Energy Quotes)
Words ride on the energy of tone, its warmth or coldness; think of tone as the music of how words are expressed. You want this music to be soulful, whether you’re giving sweet talk or tough love (Energy Quotes)
The one thing that I really want,... is for our second group to be an energy unit. That’s what we had in our championship run, and that’s what I think you are starting to see with this group (Energy Quotes)