Energy Quotes

Text Quotes
Our main source of psychic energy in the future will depend on our ability to understand this symbol of evolution in an acceptable context of interpretation. Only in the context of an emergent universe will the human project come to an integral understanding of itself. We must, however, come to experience the universe in its psychic as well as in its physical aspect. We need to experience the sequence of evolutionary transformations as moments of grace, and also as celebration moments in our new experience of the sacred (Energy Quotes)
If we, on our most fundamental level, are packets of quantum energy constantly exchanging information with this heaving energy sea, it means that all of us connect with each other and the world at the level of the very undercoat of our being. It also means that we have the power to access much more information about the world than we realize (Energy Quotes)
In reality, studies show that investments to spur renewable energy and boost energy efficiency generate far more jobs than oil and coal (Energy Quotes)
The trick to not thinking is not adding energy to the equation in an effort to forcibly stop thinking from happening. It’s more a matter of subtracting energy from the equation in order not to barf the thoughts up and start chewing them over again (Energy Quotes)
You have to be able to focus, to control your energy. You need to make it your ally, instead of trying to harness it, to muscle it. That wastes energy too. There has to be a harmony between you and your body. Your mind and your body, and your soul have to connect in order to move forward. And this comes through relaxation (Energy Quotes)
When we really understand the fact of separate realities, we will stop spending so much time and energy trying to change the reality of others (Energy Quotes)
If I’m not feeling good, I load on jewelry. It gives me energy and makes me feel happy (Energy Quotes)
Making art is a lot about just seeing what happens if you put some energy into something (Energy Quotes)
It is good to be different, because difference is great; that’s what this music is based on. But lose that energy between the audience and the players, and you have nothing (Energy Quotes)
Letting people in is largely a matter of not expending the energy to keep them out (Energy Quotes)
As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine, is energy medicine. It’s not the mechanistic part of the joints moving. It’s not the chemistry of our body. It’s understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel (Energy Quotes)
Don’t let negative people drain your energy. Focus on your positive energy and kill them with kindness. Energy vampires are no match for your positive energy (Energy Quotes)
I love everyone. Why? The moment I dislike someone, they own me. They own my energy, thoughts, feelings, etc (Energy Quotes)
We want a plan for a clean energy future... an end to global warming... Moms know about sustainable energy. After all, mother love is an unending supply and it keeps kids healthy (Energy Quotes)
Some days, it seems to me like the purpose of life is to convert energy into beauty (Energy Quotes)
I don’t always have a lot of energy, but my kids almost always revitalize me (Energy Quotes)
What is important is using one’s talent, intellect and energy in order to gain an appreciation and affection for people and place (Energy Quotes)
Institutions too often focus their energy preserving the problem to which they are a solution than to innovate their way to success (Energy Quotes)
We’re all spending way too much of our time and energy trying to fight the stuff we can’t change (Energy Quotes)
Whatever we attempt is a reflection of our inner thirst, which we hope to quench in all these external ways. What we are looking for lies within us, and if we gave out time and energy to an interior search, we would come across it much faster, since that is the only place where it is to be found (Energy Quotes)
As an actor, I’m familiar with having bursts of energy, where you’re giving things a try, and then you have down time (Energy Quotes)
It’s much more interesting to embrace who you really are rather than waste energy pretending to be someone else (Energy Quotes)
I’m naturally athletic. I’ve been involved in sports since I could walk. So, for me to be sedentary is just unacceptable. Not only is it great for your physical body, but it gives me more energy during the day if I’ve worked out. I feel better. I look better (Energy Quotes)
The particular province of the shaman is the province of soul, that which feeds our embodied life, or fails to feed it. From a shamanic point of view, the relationship with animal allies, or animals that show themselves in animal forms, is a vital part of living. We’re fully embodied, with full access to our natural soul energy (Energy Quotes)
I was always active as a child. My dad tried to place me in every sport imaginable. I had so much energy, he wanted to push me in a direction where that energy was used appropriately to keep me out of trouble and focused while I was in school (Energy Quotes)
To be a good trader, you need to trade with your eyes open, recognize real trends and turns, and not waste time or energy on regrets and wishful thinking (Energy Quotes)
On a horse there is a perfect position of balance where he doesn’t feel like he’s pushing you along with him or dragging you along with him. It’s like two converging currents in a river, where those currents converge, there is a point where there is no movement, no energy; and that’s what you’re thinking when you’re on the back of a horse (Energy Quotes)
Words are an invitation to life, a request to bring energy into form. Choose your words carefully (Energy Quotes)
The solution to our energy needs must go through a show of respect for nature, not, once again, a policy that does violence to our hills (Energy Quotes)
One ought to avoid all unnecessary worry and exciting thoughts, and to cultivate a firm tranquility of mind. Melancholy reflections will in no way influence fate, whereas one may weaken the constitution by the waste of energy while indulging in them (Energy Quotes)