Enjoy Quotes

Text Quotes
My real fans understand what it is I do, but on another level I have fans who just love my music and don't know I write it and enjoy it shallowly - and that's ok too. I think art and music should be just as powerful if you drink it shallow as if you drink it deep (Enjoy Quotes)
I want to change the pop world one sequin at a time. Artists tend to take themselves way too seriously and don't enjoy the fun of making an impact on culture. I just have a good time and sequins represent a good time (Enjoy Quotes)
A lot of my music is slow and subtle. The subtly is what I enjoy about making music (Enjoy Quotes)
If you associate enough with older people who do enjoy their lives, who are not stored away in any golden ghettos, you will gain a sense of continuity and of the possibility for a full life (Enjoy Quotes)
The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live (Enjoy Quotes)
I don't have time for their judgement and their stupidity and you know they lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and look at their loser lives and then they look at me and they say, 'I can't process it' well, no, you never will stop trying, just sit back and enjoy the show. You know? (Enjoy Quotes)
But the capacity to enjoy is impossible without the capacity to suffer; and the faculty of enjoyment is one with that of pain. Whosoever does not suffer does not enjoy, just as whosoever is insensible to cold is insensible to heat (Enjoy Quotes)
My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate - that's my philosophy (Enjoy Quotes)
Happiness is a choice, so choose to let go of things that frustrate you and start to enjoy your life (Enjoy Quotes)
Everything that has a beginning has an end. so forget the past, plan for the future and enjoy life while you're living it (Enjoy Quotes)
Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind (Enjoy Quotes)
The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days waiting for the better ones ahead (Enjoy Quotes)
We've put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it (Enjoy Quotes)
For the trouble with our rich and powerful people is not so much that they are wicked, but that they do not enjoy themselves (Enjoy Quotes)
Take my hand. We will walk. We will only walk. We will enjoy our walk without thinking of arriving anywhere (Enjoy Quotes)
There is virtue in country houses, in gardens and orchards, in fields, streams, and groves, in rustic recreations and plain manners, that neither cities nor universities enjoy (Enjoy Quotes)
I sometimes think one of the great blessings we shall enjoy in heaven, will be to receive letters by every post and never be obliged to reply to them (Enjoy Quotes)
It was a needless precaution, I felt sure, but men always enjoy marching around with weapons and flexing their figurative muscles, and I saw no reason to deny them this harmless exercise (Enjoy Quotes)
The secret of happiness is to enjoy the moment, without allowing unhappy memories or fear of the future to shadow the shining present (Enjoy Quotes)
Simple people.... listen to music with their hearts and enjoy it more than those who are spoiled, jaded, blase (Enjoy Quotes)
Republics have a longer life and enjoy better fortune than principalities, because they can profit by their greater internal diversity. They are the better able to meet emergencies (Enjoy Quotes)
Moreover, no one feels grateful to anyone for those benefits of freedom that all share in common, at least so long as they enjoy them (Enjoy Quotes)
... no cat out of its first fur can ever be deceived by appearances. Unlike human beings, who enjoy them (Enjoy Quotes)
Enjoy yourself, drink, call the life you live today your own, but only that, the rest belongs to chance (Enjoy Quotes)
A man should enjoy things if he can; he should spend his final days in the sun. Mine will be spent by a reading lamp (Enjoy Quotes)
Moving from chair to chair, from coffee machine to coffee machine is the limit of my action in most films. But I enjoy being cast in them because I love watching them (Enjoy Quotes)
Enjoy your life. God gave us our bodies as a gift. (Granted, to some of us it's kind of a gag gift, but that's okay too.) Wear what you want, love who you want, and have fun (Enjoy Quotes)
I should like to enjoy this summer flower by flower, as if it were to be the last one for me (Enjoy Quotes)
A book should be a garden that fits in the hands. Word petals of color. Stems of strength. roots of truth. Turn a page and turn the seasons. Read the sentence and enjoy the roses (Enjoy Quotes)
God cast you in His play, wrote you into His story. He has a definite direction for your life. Fulfill it and enjoy fulfillment. Play the part God prepared for you and get ready for some great days (Enjoy Quotes)