Enjoy Quotes

Text Quotes
You never know what you have until you put it in front of an audience. That’s the truth. That’s the truth of filmmaking and that’s why you make movies, for an audience to, hopefully, enjoy it (Enjoy Quotes)
I really love good food occasionally, but I need time to enjoy it, and I need to be hungry (Enjoy Quotes)
We came to enjoy; we are being enjoyed. We came to rule; we are being ruled. We came to work; we are being worked. All the time, we find that. And this comes into every detail of our life (Enjoy Quotes)
There’s nothing wrong with possessions; it’s just that they have value to us only when we use them, engage them, and enjoy them. They’re nouns that mean something only in conjunction with verbs. That’s why wealth is so dangerous: if you’re not careful you can easily end up with a garage full of nouns (Enjoy Quotes)
Europe were kind of the first ones to embrace my music; the kids from around the way would come out to my shows and really enjoy it (Enjoy Quotes)
No one likes doing chores. In happiness surveys, housework is ranked down there with commuting as activities that people enjoy the least. Maybe that’s why figuring out who does which chores usually prompts, at best, tense discussion in a household and, at worst, outright fighting (Enjoy Quotes)
If sophistication is a matter of being in control of our primary reactions, we may now be sophisticated. At least we shall be fairly confident of ourselves and may, with any luck, be confident of others. Our object will be to enjoy our selves. But to make sure that our names are permanently on the cast list, it will be advisable to be of interest to others. This aim must never be confused with the desire to be popular (Enjoy Quotes)
I enjoy poetry where I can talk as bizarre as I please, but theology or philosophy, I always respect the truth by taking it a step further (Enjoy Quotes)
I enjoy melancholic music and art. They take me to places I don’t normally get to go (Enjoy Quotes)
The fable runs that the gods mix our pains and pleasure in one cup, and thus mingle for us the adulterate immortality which we alone are permitted here to enjoy. Voluptuous raptures, could we prolong these at pleasure, would dissipate and dissolve us. A sip is the most that mortals are permitted from any goblet of delight (Enjoy Quotes)
Life is short, if we are only said to live when we enjoy ourselves; and if we were merely to count up the hours we spent agreeably, a great number of years would hardly make up a life of a few months (Enjoy Quotes)
During the course of our life we now and then enjoy some pleasures so inviting, and have some encounters of so tender a nature, that though they are forbidden, it is but natural to wish that they were at least allowable. Nothing can be more delightful, except it be to abandon them for virtue’s sake (Enjoy Quotes)
Youth, health and freedom were meant to be enjoyed and I want to try every pleasure before I am too old to enjoy them (Enjoy Quotes)
The imagination of a eunuch dwells more and longer upon the material of love than that of man or woman... supplying, so far as he can, by speculation, the place of pleasures he can no longer enjoy (Enjoy Quotes)
I’m just making fun music so you can let your guard down and enjoy it, don’t worry about what’s cool and what’s not (Enjoy Quotes)
It’s funny when people debate about music, because they get so passionate about what they enjoy (Enjoy Quotes)
I suppose I will try to enjoy my life now while I have it. Who knows what’s going to happen in the future? (Enjoy Quotes)
I always work directly from life, partly because I really enjoy having an interaction with the person in front of me but also because I love having a direct response to shape and color (Enjoy Quotes)
Never enter relationships. Otherwise, suffer the pains that come with it. Enjoy your individuality while you can (Enjoy Quotes)
Many pleasant things are better when they belong to someone else.... When things belong to others, we enjoy them twice as much, without the risk of losing them, and with the pleasure of novelty (Enjoy Quotes)
The poor have very few hours in which to enjoy themselves; they must take their pleasure raw; they haven’t the time to cook it (Enjoy Quotes)
We enjoy freedom and the rule of law on which it depends, not because we deserve it, but because others before us put their lives on the line to defend it (Enjoy Quotes)
I like to look good, but I like my body to function well more than anything. For me, it’s as spiritual and intellectual as it is physical. And emotional. I enjoy pushing myself (Enjoy Quotes)
It’s very easy for me to just encourage people in their family life and in their children. It’s just very natural to me. It’s what I feel comfortable doing, and so I enjoy it (Enjoy Quotes)
All of my films I’ve made have had an element of physicality and action but I really enjoy the drama of it because it’s where I feel I’m really doing something (Enjoy Quotes)
I really like doing action. It’s one of those things where I negotiate the world physically, I think, more than mentally. I enjoy running and jumping (Enjoy Quotes)
I’ve never tried to make a movie to pay an overhead. We’re in a very creative business, and I want to make movies because I enjoy that movie or that material (Enjoy Quotes)
I enjoy writing scripts. I can find out what happens. With an outline, I feel like I’m doing an architectural diagram of something (Enjoy Quotes)
I really do enjoy making movies and I try to test myself on occasion with some different stuff (Enjoy Quotes)
I enjoy doing all different types of movies even though I am the most comfortable with comedy (Enjoy Quotes)