Enjoyment Quotes

Text Quotes
Ambition is a lust that is never quenched, but grows more inflamed and madder by enjoyment (Enjoyment Quotes)
A lot of guys really I get the feeling don’t care whether you like their show or not, you know. I want people to enjoy what I do, and understand what I’m doing is for their enjoyment, it’s all I can ask for (Enjoyment Quotes)
Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, I’m finding enjoyment in things that stop time. Just the simple act of tasting a glass of wine is its own event. You’re not downing a glass of wine in the midst of doing something else (Enjoyment Quotes)
And I used to assemble the family to hear because I thought that they were so good that even from the point of view of enjoyment people shouldn’t miss them, and I got every word of his that I could, and I could see by hard argument there was only the one way for it (Enjoyment Quotes)
Hence, in desiring, the more the enjoyment is delayed, the more fancy begins to weave about the object images of future fruition, and to clothe the desired object with properties calculated to inflame the impulse (Enjoyment Quotes)
It may be added, to prevent misunderstanding, that when I speak of contemplated objects in this last phrase as objects of contemplation, the act of contemplation itself is of course an enjoyment (Enjoyment Quotes)
It was so wonderful outside that even the wild senselessness of this enormous death, whose music I hear again and again, could not disturb me from my great enjoyment! (Enjoyment Quotes)
It took me several years to figure out who I am and a few more to accept what I discovered. Now, I’m in the enjoyment stage of that process and it’s a happy place (Enjoyment Quotes)
Heaven would indeed be heaven if lovers were there permitted as much enjoyment as they had experienced on earth (Enjoyment Quotes)
Black music has increased my enjoyment of what I do. It has increased my range, my ability to reach into myself and accept myself (Enjoyment Quotes)
Felicity, the companion of content, is rather found in our own breasts than in the enjoyment of external things; and I firmly believe it requires but a little philosophy to make a man happy in whatever state he is (Enjoyment Quotes)
A youthful mind is seldom totally free from ambition; to curb that, is the first step to contentment, since to diminish expectation is to increase enjoyment (Enjoyment Quotes)
As this world was not intended to be a state of any great satisfaction or high enjoyment, so neither was it intended to be a mere scene of unhappiness and sorrow (Enjoyment Quotes)
The friends whom I have are invaluable, and although not numerous they are sufficient for my enjoyment; and the texture of my own mind renders me very indifferent to the rest of the world (Enjoyment Quotes)
Individual statistics, plate time and everything tend to come, but the most enjoyment I get out of baseball is actually winning (Enjoyment Quotes)
If you want to get out of medicine the fullest enjoyment, be students all your lives (Enjoyment Quotes)
I think of art as the highest level of creativity. To me, it is one of the greatest sources of enjoyment (Enjoyment Quotes)
I didn’t want to stay until I had used up all the enjoyment because that’s too long to stay anywhere (Enjoyment Quotes)
What it all boils down to for me is having the enthusiasm to do something for enjoyment and being stimulated by what’s around you. That’s what photography does for me (Enjoyment Quotes)
This is going to sound completely absurd, but I do sometimes feel like the enjoyment of an awards ceremony or the pride in the finished article hasn’t ever surpassed the joy of doing the work, of making it. The doing it is really the bit I’m there for (Enjoyment Quotes)
What makes it all worthwhile is we just play for the sheer enjoyment of entertaining people and... make our families and the team we played on and the people watching, proud of what we did (Enjoyment Quotes)
My family is a part of my life and everything is all a mixture of enjoyment (Enjoyment Quotes)
I see no reason to keep silent about my enjoyment of the sound of my own voice as I work (Enjoyment Quotes)
The right of conscience and private judgment is unalienable, and it is truly the interest of all mankind to unite themselves into one body for the liberty, free exercise, and unmolested enjoyment of this right (Enjoyment Quotes)
The day is past when schools could afford to give sufficient time and attention to the teaching of the ancient languages to enable the student to get that enjoyment out of classical literature that made the lives of our grandfathers so rich (Enjoyment Quotes)
From a very early period of my life I have derived the highest enjoyment from listening to music, especially to melody, which is to me the most pleasing form of composition (Enjoyment Quotes)
The common stock of intellectual enjoyment should not be difficult of access because of the economic position of him who would approach it (Enjoyment Quotes)
Language forms a kind of wealth, which all can make use of at once without causing any diminution of the store, and which thus admits a complete community of enjoyment; for all, freely participating in the general treasure, unconsciously aid in its preservation (Enjoyment Quotes)
Games give you a chance to excel, and if you’re playing in good company you don’t even mind if you lose because you had the enjoyment of the company during the course of the game (Enjoyment Quotes)
One didn’t really believe till one saw it demonstrated that giving oneself up completely to art, to emotion, to enjoyment, without planning for the future or counting the cost, produced dreadful disabilities and bankruptcies later (Enjoyment Quotes)