Enlightenment Quotes

Text Quotes
Enlightenment is really worth seeking. It is the only thing that gives you permanent happiness. When you experience the ecstasy of enlightenment, everything is alright (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment, meditation is really a shift in perception. It’s not a thing that you go and do or become, since you’re already that (Enlightenment Quotes)
While I may not be able to describe to you exactly what enlightenment is like, I can tell you that it is wonderful beyond understanding. The experience of enlightenment frees your mind from painful and limited states of awareness (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment means having no human mind, no limitations. Your awareness is eternity, timeless, infinite, beyond boundaries, and yet it exists within all things (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment is a perfect state of mind. It is the direct seeing of reality. The world most people see, which they call life, is really just a dream (Enlightenment Quotes)
Normally the experience of enlightenment occurs in stages. A person will usually have many small enlightenments before full enlightenment dawns (Enlightenment Quotes)
People who ponder too much about the subject of enlightenment don’t progress very fast. It is interesting to know it’s there, but you can’t know what it’s like until you get there (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment is a lot like dying. You might wonder why there aren’t more enlightened people. It is because they are afraid to die (Enlightenment Quotes)
What is enlightenment, anyway? I don’t know if I can really put it into words, perhaps you can. I can’t (Enlightenment Quotes)
It is the way it is. But it is not the way it appears to be. Enlightenment (Enlightenment Quotes)
You have to become that infinite formless creation, which is life, to know it. It cannot be known in an intellectual sense. That is enlightenment (Enlightenment Quotes)
There is a still point in eternity. There is a still point where all things intersect. There is a still point beyond life, time, and death. Your experience of the still point is enlightenment (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment doesn’t occur by accident. It is a deliberate decision that someone makes again and again. It is something you grow into and develop in (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment does not put an end to awareness. It puts an end to limited awareness. It doesn’t necessarily put an end to incarnation. It puts an end to reincarnation (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment doesn’t simply mean being in heavenly states of mind. It doesn’t mean being a saint (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment doesn’t mean you know anything. It doesn’t mean you don’t know anything. It means that you’ve returned to the source, consciously (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment means that you’re in love with all of life, with not only immortality but mortality (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment means that you’re living fully, and it means that you die fully. And then you go beyond life and death completely, everything, nothing, all, and beyond all (Enlightenment Quotes)
The idea that reincarnation means all beings eventually reach enlightenment is not true. Life does not have a fixed purpose. It just is (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment has nothing to do with physical knowledge. It is the experience of existence. Existence is infinite. There are countless universes and creations taking place simultaneously (Enlightenment Quotes)
From the point of view of enlightenment, none of this has ever even been. All time and space, all the conditions that are apparent in the absence of enlightenment are unreal (Enlightenment Quotes)
The universe is endless. Enlightenment is endless. You have only touched the outer periphery of the endless still center of perfect being (Enlightenment Quotes)
After enlightenment your body changes tremendously; its very molecular structure changes just because the kundalini is always streaming through you (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment just means that you don’t have a structural self. It means you’ve flipped through the gradated realities. Nothing binds, nothing clings to you. You’re unaffected by everything (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment is not a finite state. It’s not something that you just do and it’s done. It goes on forever (Enlightenment Quotes)
Enlightenment is an ocean of awareness that slides through the human part of us and dissolves it, and leaves us forever in eternity (Enlightenment Quotes)
We can’t say what enlightenment is, we can’t say what it isn’t, because these are words and words have nothing to do with reality (Enlightenment Quotes)
Words are a human way of trying to describe things. But they’re much more of interference than they are a help in the world of enlightenment (Enlightenment Quotes)
The enlightenment experience is not what you think. How could it be anything that you can configure, anything you can imagine, any way that you think it should be? (Enlightenment Quotes)
The dreams of eternity are the states of mind. When we wake up from the dreams there’s only enlightenment. There could never be anything else (Enlightenment Quotes)