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Enormous Quotes

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Well, I wanted to be a philosopher, which is the idlest occupation in the world. I wanted to be involved in abstract thought, but because of various problems with the authorities I wasn’t able to pull that one off. A lifetime of idleness in academia would have really suited me. So I was thrown out, as it were. Other than that, there seemed no possible idle occupations, so writing... although writing isn’t exactly idleness. There’s an enormous tension between indolence and languor  (Enormous Quotes) The trans fat label has been an enormous incentive for food companies to take trans fat out of their products  (Enormous Quotes) Luck plays an enormous role in trading success. Some people were lucky enough to be born smart, while others were even smarter and got born lucky  (Enormous Quotes) Maybe to try to understand not just that we are living in a certain building or in a certain location, but to become aware that we are living on a planet that is going at enormous speed through the universe. For me it’s more a synonym. I read a picture not for what’s really going on there, I read it more for what is going on in our world generally  (Enormous Quotes) I had an enormous complex about my looks. I thought I was ugly and I was afraid nobody would marry me  (Enormous Quotes) It’s remarkably easy to dig up enormous amounts of information about individuals, without their consent  (Enormous Quotes) The snapshooter’s pictures have an apparent disorder and imperfection, which is exactly their appeal and their style. The picture isn’t straight. It isn’t done well. It isn’t composed. It isn’t thought out. And out of this imbalance, and out of this not knowing, and out of this real innocence toward the medium comes an enormous vitality and expression of life  (Enormous Quotes) Love for children is the enormous untapped power that can wake us up to the profound changes we need to make if we’re to have a future worth living  (Enormous Quotes) Enormous amounts of money are spent for publicity. As a result, large quantities of alimentary and pharmaceutical products, at the least useless, and often harmful, have become a necessity for civilized men  (Enormous Quotes) I’m as poor as a church mouse, that’s just had an enormous tax bill on the very day his wife ran off with another mouse, taking all the cheese  (Enormous Quotes) Because having your story told, as a woman, as a person of color, as a lesbian or as a trans person, or as any member of any disenfranchised community... is sadly often still a radical idea. There is so much power in storytelling and there is enormous power in inclusive storytelling and inclusive representations  (Enormous Quotes) Focus on your dream and never quit. It is always too soon to quit. If you quit, you can’t succeed. By achieving your dream you will be an inspiration to others. You will set the example and make an enormous impact on the world  (Enormous Quotes) Cricket is just something that I am good at, just like various people are good at various things. What’s lucky is that cricket gets enormous publicity  (Enormous Quotes) I think it’s the human spirit inside of all of us that has an enormous capacity to survive  (Enormous Quotes) When we recognize that nothing has to go right for us to be happy, that people do not have to behave for us to love them, our walk home can be surprisingly simple. We have enormous power not to manipulate the world, but to be happy and to know peace  (Enormous Quotes) I consume an enormous number of books, but they’re always on a particular subject because I’m obsessive  (Enormous Quotes) I think it’s an enormous blessing to be the child of an immigrant who fled oppression, because you realize how fragile liberty is and how easily it can be taken away  (Enormous Quotes) It’s not that I’m necessarily looking for things that are so dark and emotional. But if I see something where the character goes through enormous change, it’s very appealing to play all those levels, and that is probably going to involve some dark moments  (Enormous Quotes) If you look at history, there seems to be a regular pattern: the country with the most powerful military also happens to be the one with the world trade currency. That gives them an enormous economic advantage, which causes goods to flow into their country  (Enormous Quotes) Beside every great success are the seeds of enormous failure. In every failure, there’s the opportunity seeds of great success. They’re not miles apart. So if they’re that close together, and if you’re really working, you’re always gonna have that likelihood that something’s not going to work  (Enormous Quotes) Something is wrong here: sex has been with us since the human race began its existence, yet I would estimate that 90 percent of human beings still suffer enormous inhibitions in this area  (Enormous Quotes) The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facile means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people  (Enormous Quotes) India is a land of plenty inhibited by poverty; India has an enthralling, uplifting civilization that sparkles not only in our magnificent art, but also in the enormous creativity and humanity of our daily life in city and village  (Enormous Quotes) Cancer has enormous diversity and behaves differently: it’s highly mutable, the evolutionary principles are very complicated and often its capacity to be constantly mystifying comes as a big challenge  (Enormous Quotes) I think the way we think about cancer, the way we treat cancer, has dramatically changed in the last century. There is an enormous amount of options that a physician can provide today, right down from curing patients, treating patients or providing patients with psychic solace or pain relief  (Enormous Quotes) The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and there is no rational explanation of it  (Enormous Quotes) The idea of being on a show where each season stands alone, and you can come back the next year and show an entirely different aspect of your personality or your talent or your anything is an enormous gift that you rarely get in television  (Enormous Quotes) There is a rampant tendency in any industry where someone is trying to sell something with a bunch of data, where they cherry pick a little bit... bias a little bit. This becomes quite easy when there is an enormous amount of data to cherry pick from  (Enormous Quotes) We run enormous risks and we know what kind of reductions of greenhouse gases are necessary to drastically reduce risks. Reducing emissions by half by 2050 is roughly in the right ballpark. It would bring us below 550 ppm  (Enormous Quotes) I hate phones. All businesses are personal businesses, and I always try my best to get back to people, but sometimes the barrage of calls is so enormous that if I just answered calls I would do nothing else  (Enormous Quotes)
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