Entrepreneur Quotes

Text Quotes
I worked for Microsoft until 1996, till I had a different angle to view life. I wanted to be an entrepreneur and control my own destiny (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Robots are the new middle class. And everyone else will either be an entrepreneur or a temp staffer (Entrepreneur Quotes)
There is nothing more powerful than a new idea in the hands of a social entrepreneur (Entrepreneur Quotes)
My dad is an unbelievable entrepreneur who balanced his life as a father and a president of two very successful companies (Entrepreneur Quotes)
When you’re an entrepreneur, it’s impossible to switch off. You’re always thinking about your business even when you’re not aware that u r (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Without question, the notion of the doctor as a legitimate fee-for-service entrepreneur, making his fortune from misfortunes of his patients, is old-fashioned, distasteful, and doomed (Entrepreneur Quotes)
What happened in my personal life affected my career too. I am not perfect and I have made a lot of mistakes. Being an entrepreneur is incredibly lonely. There were many hurdles along the way. From starting out, to making it, and almost losing it, to fighting back, to nearly losing it all again. There have been extreme highs and extreme lows (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Breaking the rules and challenging convention is in the DNA of every successful entrepreneur. Doing things differently and solving problems with new, innovative and fresh approaches are the very reason many start-ups are able to compete and sometimes outpace the established market leaders (Entrepreneur Quotes)
When I was starting out, being a young entrepreneur was not fashionable. Parents would ask, ‘When are you going to get a real job?’ (Entrepreneur Quotes)
People ask me all the time, ‘How can I become a successful entrepreneur?’ And I have to be honest: It’s one of my least favorite questions, because if you’re waiting for someone else’s advice to become an entrepreneur, chances are you’re not one (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a small business, or a Fortune 500 company, great marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to buy what you are selling. That’s a constant. What’s always in flux, especially in this noisy, mobile world, is how, when, and where the story gets told, and even who gets to tell all of it (Entrepreneur Quotes)
I’m an entrepreneur. I’m married to an entrepreneur. So I haven’t just sipped the entrepreneurship cool-aid, I bleed this stuff (Entrepreneur Quotes)
My message to students is that if you want to become an entrepreneur and save the world, definitely don’t skip college. But go to a school that you can afford. You’ll be freed from the chains of debt and succeed on your own ambition and merit (Entrepreneur Quotes)
What are the most important qualities that make a successful entrepreneur? The ability to communicate. The ability to express your idea with certainty. That’s how you become a leader-even if you are unsure, your ability to explain your vision and your direction is the attribute you need the most. ... Articulate your idea in 90 seconds or less (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure (Entrepreneur Quotes)
A successful entrepreneur can’t be afraid of failures or setbacks. An initial setback can be a great opportunity to take a new and more promising approach to any problem, to come back stronger than ever. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
You can never be an entrepreneur if you’re afraid to lose money. It’s like being a pilot who is afraid of bad weather. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
I’ve never isolated role models based on gender. I have more male role models due to the mere fact that I’ve done business with more of them and they’re leaders within the verticals I work. Of those, Tony Hsieh, CEO of, is an entrepreneur and personal friend that I have a great deal of respect for. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
I have always thought of myself as an inventor first and foremost. An engineer. An entrepreneur. In that order. I never thought of myself as an employee. But my first jobs as an adult were as an employee: at IBM, and then at my first start-up. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an employee, a student, a homemaker, a writer, it’s time to start forgetting about all the ways the world has promised you safety and comfort. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
The journey from employee to entrepreneur was a complex and taxing one for an immigrant like me (Entrepreneur Quotes)
I want to be an entrepreneur too; I like the business side of things. When I was younger I wanted to be a vet or a tightrope walker. But I have no sense of balance and I can’t bear animals dying, so I abandoned both ideas. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
It’s good to work for someone else. Because then you appreciate it more when you are an entrepreneur. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur like someone else is actually looking in the wrong direction. You don’t look out for inspiration, you look in. You have to ask yourself how can I be better today, at solving the problem I am trying to solve for my company. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to be like me. Just be like you. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
There are lots of things that I will probably never experience in this life. Military combat. Being dictator of a small central American country. Dunking a basketball. Being a famous rock star. Or walking on Mars. But one thing I have been, and will always be, is an entrepreneur. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
I told myself, ‘I am teaching entrepreneurship, so I should be an entrepreneur myself.’ (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Everybody could be an entrepreneur, but very few will become very rich entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Going into business for yourself, becoming an entrepreneur, is the modern-day equivalent of pioneering on the old frontier. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
Part of the challenge of being an entrepreneur, if you’re going for a really huge opportunity, is trying to find problems that aren’t quite on the radar yet and try to solve those. (Entrepreneur Quotes)
I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn’t really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going. (Entrepreneur Quotes)