Envy Quotes

Text Quotes
The grave I go to will not be my own. But if I could step outside myself and contemplate the person that I am, I should know at last what envy is (Envy Quotes)
Even after making up one’s mind to the sacrifices I had decided upon, there is always left a trace of envy for those who have triumphed in the melancholy struggle for literary supremacy (Envy Quotes)
The laws would not prevent each man from living according to his inclination, unless individuals harmed each other; for envy creates the beginning of strife (Envy Quotes)
In particular, it is absurd to hope to banish envy of other people’s possessions or fortunes, if only because the spirit of envy can lead to emulation and ambition and have positive consequences (Envy Quotes)
Five great enemies to peace inhabit with us: avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride. If those enemies were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace (Envy Quotes)
He was himself a homeless bachelor with a past, much in debt, and nothing gave more pleasure than to envy his friends their wives and comforts and to speak of them intimately and disparagingly (Envy Quotes)
How natural it is to destroy what we cannot possess, to deny what we do not understand, and to insult what we envy! (Envy Quotes)
With vivid words your just conceptions grace, much truth compressing in a narrow space; then many shall peruse, but few complain, and envy frown, and critics snarl in vain (Envy Quotes)
O temperance, thou fortune without envy; thou universal medicine of life, that clears the head and cleanses the blood, eases the stomach, strengthens the nerves, and perfects digestion (Envy Quotes)
Envy, like a cold prison, benumbs and stupefies; and, conscious of its own impotence, folds its arms in despair (Envy Quotes)
We see how much a man has, and therefore we envy him; did we see how little he enjoys, we should rather pity him (Envy Quotes)
Such is the destiny of great men that their superior genius always exposes them to be the butt of the envenomed darts of calumny and envy (Envy Quotes)
Praise is a debt we owe unto the virtues of others, and due unto our own from all whom malice hath not made mutes or envy struck dumb (Envy Quotes)
The man who loves the golden mean is safe from the misery of a wretched hovel, and moderate in his desires, cares not for a luxurious palace, the subject of envy (Envy Quotes)
It is the stain and disgrace of the age to envy virtue, and to be anxious to crush the very flower of dignity (Envy Quotes)
Mankind are so ready to bestow their admiration on the dead, because the latter do not hear it, or because it gives no pleasure to the objects of it. Even fame is the offspring of envy (Envy Quotes)
If the internal griefs of every man could be read, written on his forehead, how many who now excite envy would appear to be the objects of pity? (Envy Quotes)
If the crow had been satisfied to eat his prey in silence, he would have had more meat and less quarreling and envy (Envy Quotes)
Revenge, which, like envy, is an instinct of justice, does but take into its own hands the execution of that natural law which precedes the social (Envy Quotes)
They say that love and tears are learned without any master; and I may say that there is no great need of studying at the court to learn envy and revenge (Envy Quotes)
If sensuality be our only happiness we ought to envy the brutes, for instinct is a surer, shorter, safer guide to such happiness than reason (Envy Quotes)
Emulation looks out for merits, that she may exalt herself by a victory; envy spies out blemishes that she may lower another by defeat (Envy Quotes)
Envy is of all others the most ungratifying and disconsolate passion. There is power for ambition, pleasure for luxury, and pelf even for covetousness; but envy gets no reward but vexation (Envy Quotes)
Envy sets the stronger seal on desert; if he have no enemies, I should esteem his fortune most wretched (Envy Quotes)
There is but one man who can believe himself free from envy; and it is he who has never examined his own heart (Envy Quotes)
Who loves the golden mean is safe from the poverty of a tenement, is free from the envy of a palace (Envy Quotes)
We need criminals to identify ourselves with, to secretly envy and to stoutly punish. They do for us the forbidden, illegal things we wish to do (Envy Quotes)
Yes, free markets tend to produce unequal incomes. We should not be ashamed of that. On the contrary, our system is the envy of the world and should be a source of pride (Envy Quotes)
America was and still is able to make the necessary changes to maintain research institutions that are the envy of the world (Envy Quotes)
Any designer believes his gun is the best, and when its test performance is a bit less impressive compared to others, he feels bitterness and envy (Envy Quotes)