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Epicurean Quotes

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Epicurean cooks sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite, that sleep and feeding may prorogue his honor evan till a lethe'd dulness  (Epicurean Quotes) I sort of have a love affair with my work. Many of us work far too hard and we don’t put enough value in the epicurean, sensual part of life  (Epicurean Quotes) So I should say that civilizations begin with religion and stoicism: they end with scepticism and unbelief, and the undisciplined pursuit of individual pleasure. A civilization is born stoic and dies epicurean  (Epicurean Quotes) I sort of have a love affair with my work. Many of us work far too hard and we don’t put enough value in the epicurean, sensual part of life.  (Epicurean Quotes) Once you have a child, that becomes your life, and while that’s the way it should be, I sort of have a love affair with my work. Having said that, many of us work far too hard and we don’t put enough value in the epicurean, sensual part of life.  (Epicurean Quotes) I love good food. I’m an epicurean, that’s for sure. ¦ But I am not really a good cook.  (Epicurean Quotes)