Equipment Quotes

Text Quotes
Air control can be established by superiority in numbers, by better employment, by better equipment, or by a combination of these factors (Equipment Quotes)
It is through our technology that we have been able to fly far away from earth to learn, in truth, how precious it is. It is no coincidence that our awakening to the special nature of our world and to its uniquely balanced environment and its limitations coincided with our first glimpse of earth from outer space, through the eyes of astronauts, television cameras and photographic equipment (Equipment Quotes)
Artists of my generation were not educated. We were not given the equipment because it was generally believed to be irrelevant (Equipment Quotes)
There is no such thing as good enough. You, your team, and your equipment must be the best. That is how you will win victories (Equipment Quotes)
The genuine investor in common stocks does not need a great equipment of brain and knowledge, but he does need some unusual qualities of character (Equipment Quotes)
There’s absolutely no excuse for throwing a piece of equipment on an umpire or any player. You can argue your point and at times may accidentally bump an umpire, but to consciously throw a piece of equipment at someone is unforgivable (Equipment Quotes)
Nuclear proliferation is on the rise. Equipment, material and training were once largely inaccessible. Today, however, there is a sophisticated worldwide network that can deliver systems for producing material usable in weapons (Equipment Quotes)
Perhaps the most important thing I can tell you about equipment is to experiment and keep an open mind (Equipment Quotes)
I have eyes like a bullfrog, a neck like an ostrich and long, limp hair. You just have to be good to survive with that equipment (Equipment Quotes)
I have to say, taking photographs is such an instantaneous act. The recognition and the acting on the recognition, depending on your equipment, is close to instantaneous (Equipment Quotes)
I don’t know how the other senators see me. I hope they see me as a farmer. Thats really what I am. But I don’t think they see me on a tractor or fixing equipment. I hope they see me grounded, as somebody who has common sense (Equipment Quotes)
Grilling is an easy tradition to start at any age! To get started, one only needs a modest investment in equipment and a little bit of outdoor space (Equipment Quotes)
Sometimes I feel ashamed at my lack of interest in all the new techniques of modern filmmaking, but I prefer to work with as little equipment as possible. If I have a good lens and a steady camera, that’s all I need (Equipment Quotes)
A lot of companies have lots of assets tied up in plant and equipment. Well, is it old plant, or is it new plant? (Equipment Quotes)
At a time when we must seek to rebuild trust between law enforcement and the local community, I am deeply concerned that the deployment of military equipment and vehicles sends a conflicting message (Equipment Quotes)
The lord giveth and most women piss it away. Perhaps this is why they lack the equipment to aim (Equipment Quotes)
Because of the cumbersome nature of filmmaking, it’s only recently that it has become available to the masses, with digital equipment and laptop computers. You can now actually make a pretty serviceable movie for very little money by yourself (Equipment Quotes)
Obviously, I come from one background, and the people that design fitness equipment have been doing it for years and years, and they know what works and doesn’t work (Equipment Quotes)
Rock stars get room keys, I get business cards. Wherever I go I meet innovators of wind power equipment, solar energy operators (Equipment Quotes)
We are more than just flesh and bones. There’s a certain spiritual nature and something of the mind that we can’t measure. We can’t find it. With all our sophisticated equipment, we cannot monitor or define it, and yet it’s there (Equipment Quotes)
Playing around is one thing; following an established regimen is quite another. It’s true with exercise equipment and it is true with prayer (Equipment Quotes)
The requisites of government are that there be sufficiency of food, sufficiency of military equipment, and the confidence of the people in their ruler (Equipment Quotes)
It’s part of my nature. I get excited when trying out new stuff, whether it be an idea or equipment. It stimulates my juices (Equipment Quotes)
One thing that’s great about firefighters: If they don’t have the equipment they desperately need, they don’t have the help, they don’t care. They’ll do it on their own (Equipment Quotes)
The best value for money in cooking equipment, in my mind, is first a digital scale and digital thermometer. They’re both about $20. They help you cook so much more accurately that they’re both enormously valuable (Equipment Quotes)
You’ve got to show your soul otherwise you’re just a piece of equipment (Equipment Quotes)
A cloak of invisibility? This is a highly sensitive piece of field equipment. What does he think? Some warlock pulled it out of his armpit? (Equipment Quotes)
A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I’m using 15,000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that (Equipment Quotes)
As for the forces, electromagnetism and gravity we experience in everyday life. But the weak and strong forces are beyond our ordinary experience. So in physics, lots of the basic building blocks take 20th- or perhaps 21st-century equipment to explore (Equipment Quotes)
For the true measure of agriculture is not the sophistication of its equipment the size of its income or even the statistics of its productivity but the good health of the land (Equipment Quotes)