Eric Betzig Quotes

Text Quotes
I missed the basic curiosity of being in the lab (Eric Betzig Quotes)
Science goes through fads, and there are big ups and crashes (Eric Betzig Quotes)
Chemistry was always my weakest subject in high school and college (Eric Betzig Quotes)
It’s nice to be able to look at one protein, but life is driven by the interactions between proteins, so it’s really essential to be able to see multiple proteins at a time to understand these interactions (Eric Betzig Quotes)
Sometimes I make an analogy that each scientific paper is like putting out another record. And some people have careers that are nothing but a one-hit wonder. And then there are people who are only appreciated by aficionados but largely forgotten by the wider community. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
One thing I liked about being in microscopy is it gets you out of your box constantly because there’s such a diverse range of applications. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
I was born in 1960 and can still tell you the name of every astronaut from Mercury to Apollo. If I had a chance, I’d love to go into space on one of the privately developed space crafts. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
Every new invention is like a baby. You think it may cure cancer or become the president, but in the end, you’re happy it just stays out of jail. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
It always irritated me that people think they have to be locked into a career path (Eric Betzig Quotes)
I’m spoiled. All of my adult jobs have left me with complete freedom to come up with what I wanted. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
The eventual goal is to marry all of my work together to make a high-speed, high-resolution, low-impact tool that can look deep inside biological systems. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
Honestly, I feel you are poisoned if you read too much of the scientific literature because it makes you start thinking like other people. You’re better off having a vague sense of what’s going on and making your own way. (Eric Betzig Quotes)
Like you can’t have a car that can take the kids to schools on Friday and win the grand prix on Saturday, you can’t make a microscope that can do it all. (Eric Betzig Quotes)