Eric Hoffer Quotes

Text Quotes
Intolerance is the Do Not Touch sign on something that cannot bear touching. We do not mind having our hair ruffled, but we will not tolerate any familiarity with the toupee which covers our baldness (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The wisdom of others remains dull till it is writ over with our own blood. We are essentially apart from the world; it bursts into our consciousness only when it sinks its teeth and nails into us (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Crude absurdities, trivial nonsense, and sublime truths are equally potent in readying people for self sacrifice if they are accepted as the sole, eternal truth (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The short lived self, teetering on the edge of extinction, is the only thing that can ever really matter (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is the pull of opposite poles that stretches souls. And only stretched souls make music (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Our passionate preoccupation with the sun, the stars and a God somewhere in outer space is a homing impulse. We are drawn back to where we came from (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
People with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world and would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
In times of change the learners will inherit the earth, while the knowers will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We probably have a greater love for those we support than for those who support us. Our vanity carries more weight than our self interest (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Success and failure are unavoidably related in our minds with the state of things around us (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
If free enterprise becomes a proselytizing holy cause, it will be a sign that its workability and advantages have ceased to be self evident (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
If a society is to preserve stability and a degree of continuity, it must learn how to keep its adolescents from imposing their tastes, values, and fantasies on everyday life (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
If the Communists win Europe and a large part of the world, it will not be because they know how to stir up discontent or how to infect people with hatred, but because they know how to preach hope (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The permanent misfits can find salvation only in a complete separation from the self; and they usually find it by losing themselves in the compact collectivity of a mass movement (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
To lose one's life is but to lose the present; and, clearly, to lose a defiled, worthless present is not to lose much (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
To the child, the savage, and the Wall Street operator everything seems possible, hence their credulity (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
A ruling intelligentsia, whether in Europe, Asia or Africa, treats the masses as raw material to be experimented on, processed, and wasted at will (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
If a doctrine is not unintelligible, it has to be vague; and if neither unintelligible nor vague, it has to be unverifiable (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is perhaps no surer way of infecting ourselves with virulent hatred toward a person than by doing him a grave injustice (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The act of self denial seems to confer on us the right to be harsh and merciless toward others (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Propaganda... serves more to justify ourselves than to convince others; and the more reason we have to feel guilty, the more fervent our propaganda (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The loyalty of the true believer is to the whole - the church, party, nation - and not to his fellow true believer (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
A movement is pioneered by men of words, materialized by fanatics and consolidated by men of action (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Nowhere at present is there such a measureless loathing of their country by educated people as in America (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is a sign of creeping inner death when we can no longer praise the living (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is by it's promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Our sense of power is more vivid when we break a man's spirit than when we win his heart (Eric Hoffer Quotes)