Eric Hoffer Quotes

Text Quotes
The difficult and risky task of meeting and mastering the new... is not undertaken by the vanguard of society but by its rear. It is the misfits, failures, fugitives, outcasts and their like who are among the first to grapple with the new (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is a paradox that in our time of drastic rapid change, when the future is in our midst devouring the present before our eyes, we have never been less certain about what is ahead of us (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is perhaps no better way of measuring the natural endowment of a soul than by its ability to transmute dissatisfaction into a creative impulse (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The central task of education is to implant a will and facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and children are students together (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
All great art is revolutionary because it touches upon the reality of man and questions the reality of the various transitory forms of human society (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
When we are in competition with ourselves, and match our todays against our yesterdays, we derive encouragement from past misfortunes and blemishes. Moreover, the competition with ourselves leaves unimpaired our benevolence toward our fellow men (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
In a modern society people can live without hope only when kept dazed and out of breath by incessant hustling (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
However different the holy causes people die for, they perhaps die basically for the same thing (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
One of the chief differences between an adult and a juvenile is that the adult knows when he is an ass while the juvenile never does (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
A plant needs roots in order to grow. With man it is the other way around: only when he grows does he have roots and feels at home in the world (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
To learn you need a certain degree of confidence, not too much and not too little. If you have too little confidence, you will think you can’t learn. If you have too much, you will think you don’t have to learn (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
I can never forget that one of the most gifted, best educated nations in the world, of its own free will, surrendered its fate into the hands of a maniac (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Those who see their lives as spoiled and wasted crave equality and fraternity more than they do freedom. If they clamor for freedom, it is but freedom to establish equality and uniformity (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
In human affairs every solution serves only to sharpen the problem, to show us more clearly what we are up against. There are no final solutions (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The sense of inferiority inherent in the act of imitation breeds resentment. The impulse of the imitators is to overcome the model they imitate (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Vaguely at first, then more distinctly, I realized that man is an eternal stranger on this planet (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Children, savages and true believers remember far less what they have seen than what they have heard (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Judgment consists not in seeing through deceptions and evil intentions, but in being able to awaken the decency dormant in every person (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The end comes when we no longer talk with ourselves. It is the end of genuine thinking and the beginning of the final loneliness. The remarkable thing is that the cessation of the inner dialogue marks also the end of our concern with the world around us. It is as if we noted the world and think about it only when we have to report it to ourselves (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
To believe that if we could have but this or that we would be happy is to suppress the realization that the cause of our unhappiness is in our inadequate and blemished selves. Excessive desire is thus a means of suppressing our sense of worthlessness (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
A doctrine insulates the devout not only against the realities around them but also against their own selves. The fanatical believer is not conscious of his envy, malice, pettiness and dishonesty. There is a wall of words between his consciousness and his real self (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
A just society must strive with all its might to right wrongs even if righting wrongs is a highly perilous undertaking. But if it is to survive, a just society must be strong and resolute enough to deal swiftly and relentlessly with those who would mistake its good will for weakness (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is a talent of the weak to persuade themselves that they suffer for something when they suffer from something; that they are showing the way when they are running away; that they see the light when they feel the heat; that they are chosen when they are shunned (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is nothing more explosive than a skilled population condemned to inaction. Such a population is likely to become a hotbed of extremism and intolerance, and be receptive to any proselytizing ideology, however absurd and vicious, which promises vast action (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
They who lack talent expect things to happen without effort. They ascribe failure to a lack of inspiration or ability, or to misfortune, rather than to insufficient application. At the core of every true talent there is an awareness of the difficulties inherent in any achievement, and the confidence that by persistence and patience something worthwhile will be realized. Thus talent is a species of vigor (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Our present addiction to pollsters and forecasters is a symptom of our chronic uncertainty about the future... We watch our experts read the entrails of statistical tables and graphs the way the ancients watched their soothsayers read the entrails of a chicken (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
To make of human affairs a coherent, precise, predictable whole one must ignore or suppress man as he really is. It is by eliminating man from their equation that the makers of history can predict the future, and the writers of history can give a pattern to the past (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
No matter what our achievements might be, we think well of ourselves only in rare moments. We need people to bear witness against our inner judge, who keeps book on our shortcomings and transgressions. We need people to convince us that we are not as bad as we think we are (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We find it hard to apply the knowledge of ourselves to our judgment of others. The fact that we are never of one kind, that we never love without reservations and never hate with all our being cannot prevent us from seeing others as wholly black or white (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is a grandeur in the uniformity of the mass. When a fashion, a dance, a song, a slogan or a joke sweeps like wildfire from one end of the continent to the other, and a hundred million people roar with laughter, sway their bodies in unison, hum one song or break forth in anger and denunciation, there is the overpowering feeling that in this country we have come nearer the brotherhood of man than ever before (Eric Hoffer Quotes)