Eric Hoffer Quotes

Text Quotes
It is futile to judge a kind deed by its motives. Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is often the failure who is the pioneer in new lands, new undertakings, and new forms of expression (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is the awareness of unfulfilled desires which gives a nation the feeling that it has a mission and a destiny (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It still holds true that man is most uniquely human when he turns obstacles into opportunities (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
It would be difficult to exaggerate the degree to which we are influenced by those we influence (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Men weary as much of not doing the things they want to do as of doing the things they do not want to do (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Our frustration is greater when we have much and want more than when we have nothing and want some. We are less dissatisfied when we lack many things than when we seem to lack but one thing (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Our greatest pretenses are built up not to hide the evil and the ugly in us, but our emptiness. The hardest thing to hide is something that is not there (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Our passionate preoccupation with the sky, the stars, and a God somewhere in outer space is a homing impulse. We are drawn back to where we came from (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
Social improvement is attained more readily by a concern with the quality of results than with the purity of motives (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The beginning of thought is in disagreement - not only with others but also with ourselves (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The individual who has to justify his existence by his own efforts is in eternal bondage to himself (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The misery of a child is interesting to a mother, the misery of a young man is interesting to a young woman, the misery of an old man is interesting to nobody (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The pleasure we derive from doing favors is partly in the feeling it gives us that we are not altogether worthless. It is a pleasant surprise to ourselves (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The real Antichrist is he who turns the wine of an original idea into the water of mediocrity (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts. It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil lurking in every person (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is in most passions a shrinking away from ourselves. The passionate pursuer has all the earmarks of a fugitive (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is no loneliness greater than the loneliness of a failure. The failure is a stranger in his own house (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
There is probably an element of malice in our readiness to overestimate people - we are, as it were, laying up for ourselves the pleasure of later cutting them down to size (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We all have private ails. The troublemakers are they who need public cures for their private ails (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We are more prone to generalize the bad than the good. We assume that the bad is more potent and contagious (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand. A doctrine that is understood is shorn of its strength (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We have perhaps a natural fear of ends. We would rather be always on the way than arrive. Given the means, we hang on to them and often forget the ends (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
We have rudiments of reverence for the human body, but we consider as nothing the rape of the human mind (Eric Hoffer Quotes)
When cowardice is made respectable, its followers are without number both from among the weak and the strong; it easily becomes a fashion (Eric Hoffer Quotes)