Erich Fromm Quotes

Text Quotes
Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The mother-child relationship is paradoxical and, in a sense, tragic. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, and to become fully independent. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
We can express ideas without being afraid of being killed or imprisoned (Erich Fromm Quotes)
When an individual is awake, almost all he does and says is inspired by the model of behavior that the society imposes,even without his being aware of it. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Man today being concerned with production and consumption as ends in themselves, has very little engergy time to devote himself to the true religious experience. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
I think if you ask what people really mean by happiness today, it is the experience of unlimited consumption - the kind of thing Mr. Huxley described in Brave New World. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
For [Karl] Marx it is socialist society which realizes concretely the religious principles of equality, brotherly love, and freedom. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The affirmation of one’s own life, happiness, growth and freedom, is rooted in one’s capacity to love. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Love is the productive form of relatedness to others and to oneself. It implies responsibility, care, respect. If it isn’t productive and respectful, it isn’t love, but only fear masquerading as love. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Fairness means not to use fraud and trickery in the exchange of commodities and services and the exchange of feelings. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Happiness should be something which results from the creative, genuine, intense relatedness - awareness, responsiveness, to everything in life - to man, to nature. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The revolutionary and critical thinker is in a certain way always outside of his society while of course he is at the same time also in it. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
To love somebody is not just a strong feeling - it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Greedhas no satiation point, since its consummation does not fill the inner emptiness, boredom, loneliness, and depression it is meant to overcome. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The most important factor for the development of the individual is the structure and the values of the society into which he was born. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
People think that to love is simple, but that to find the right object to love - or to be loved by - is difficult. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
[Sigmund ] Freud assumes that every dream represents the satisfaction of adesire and in the last analysis, of a sexual desire that has its roots in infancy. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Many students of dreams, from Plato to [Sigmund] Freud, hold that the sleeping person,deprived of contact with the outside world, regresses temporarily to an irrational primitive mental state. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
In our enthusiasm to dominate nature and to produce more material good - goods - we have transformed means into ends. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as ‘moral indignation,’ which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Happiness today, I think, is for most people the satisfaction of the eternal suckling: to drink in more this, that, or the other. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Love isn’t something natural. Rather it requires discipline, concentration, patience, faith, and the overcoming of narcissism. It isn’t a feeling, it is a practice. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
If the handbag could think, it would have a terrific inferiority feeling, because, not having been bought, it would feel useless. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The essential difference between the unhappy, neurotic type person and him of great joy is the difference between get and give. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Happiness is a man’s greatest achievement; it is the response of his total personality to a productive orientation toward himself and the world outside. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
We have a religious renaissance today in America, as many people say. I would say this religious renaissance, ninety percent of it is the greatest danger true religious experience has ever been confronted with. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Happiness does not exclude sadness - if a person responds to life, he’s sometimes happy and sometimes sad. What matters is he responds. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The individual citizen has very little possibility of having any influence - of making his opinion felt in the decision-making. (Erich Fromm Quotes)
The capacity to be puzzled is the premise of all creation, be it in art or in science (Erich Fromm Quotes)
Education makes machines which act like men and produces men who act like machines (Erich Fromm Quotes)