Erin Hunter Quotes
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Text Quotes
Good-bye, Graystripe. I love you. Take care of our kits (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Why do relationships have to be so complicated (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Surprise is the warrior’s greatest weapon (Erin Hunter Quotes)
You walk in my dreams, Leafpool (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Feathertail... No, don’t leave me! (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Stormfur... You’ll have to go on without me, brother. Save the Clan (Erin Hunter Quotes)
I’ve missed you, too, Graystripe. I watch over you, every day and every night (Erin Hunter Quotes)
You cannot live with a paw in each world (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Never be afraid of the future, for it brings wonderful things (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Tallstar stiffened and his neck fur bristled. ‘Windclan was driven from the forest once,’ he hissed. ‘Never again. Our territory is ours, and we’ll fight for it. Is Thunderclan with us? (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Firepaw held the menacing amber gaze for few moments. Warrior and apprentice, for a heartbeat their eyes were locked as enemies (Erin Hunter Quotes)
(He) felt lost and alone without his old friend, though he barely recognized him anymore. He wondered if they could ever be friends again (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Keep your eyes open, Fireheart. Keep your ears pricked. Keep looking behind you. Because one day I’ll find you, and then you’ll be crowfood (Erin Hunter Quotes)
I wonder if he’ll ever see the truth in my own heart: that, whatever Dustpelt says, however much Fireheart breaks the warrior code, I love him more that I could imagine loving any other cat. And if Fireheart knew, would he love me, too? - Sandstorm (Erin Hunter Quotes)
You’re never been wrong before, Spottedleaf. If StarClan has spoken, then it must be so. Fire will save our Clan. -Bluestar, Into the Wild (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Time may smooth the stone, but time will never wear it away (Erin Hunter Quotes)
You’re a medicine cat. I understand what that means now. StarClan go with you, Leafpool. I’ll never forget you (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Your mother betrayed my father as well as her Clan. You have no right to be a medicine cat. No right to even live among the Clans. I’ll never forgive you for what you’ve done! Never! (Erin Hunter Quotes)
This is not my Clan. Not any longer. ThunderClan is led by a kittypet, and there’s nothing left to fight for. I feel no loyalty to ThunderClan. In the whole forest, the only cat worth following is Tigerstar (Erin Hunter Quotes)
You’re no better than Sharpclaw and Sparrowpelt. They look down their noses at us because we stay loyal to our housefolk as well as our Clan. I thought you were different, Leafstar, but I was wrong (Erin Hunter Quotes)
What do you mean, something important? It’s the middle of the night! -Sandstorm (Erin Hunter Quotes)
If u don’t like warriors then I don’t like u so go away u stalkers... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (Erin Hunter Quotes)
What about you? You didn’t even think twice about following those two. They say, ‘Let’s go onto the ice’ and right away you say, ‘Where do I put my paws?’ If you ask me, you’re the brave one (Erin Hunter Quotes)
The truth is, I love Firestar now as much as I ever did, and I’ll watch over him forever, knowing that he can never be mine. He belongs to Sandstorm and to ThunderClan. But my heart is his, and always will be (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Look at his collar! He’s a kittypet! Once a kittypet, always a kittypet. This clan needs wild-born warriors to defend it, not another soft mouth to feed (Erin Hunter Quotes)
The water is calm, but the currents pull beneath the surface. Though they can’t be seen, they have the power to drag cats to their deaths. (Erin Hunter Quotes)
From now on, wherever you walk, I will walk with you (Erin Hunter Quotes)
You put quite a fight for a tame kitty (Erin Hunter Quotes)
Are my light and you gide my way (Erin Hunter Quotes)
What were you thinking? (Erin Hunter Quotes)
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