Err Quotes

Text Quotes
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer (Err Quotes)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err (Err Quotes)
Given my tendency to err so on the sentimental side, I'll spare you my goodbyes: The truth belongs to God, The mistakes were mine (Err Quotes)
For the first time, the best may err, art may persuade, and novelty spread out its charms. The first fault is the child of simplicity; but every other the offspring of guilt (Err Quotes)
Blind unbelief is sure to err, and scan his work in vain; God is his own interpreter, and he will make it plain (Err Quotes)
Wisdom is not the purchase of a day, and it is no wonder that we should err at the first setting off (Err Quotes)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err and even to sin (Err Quotes)
For us to err, with the Bible in our hands, is the effect of pride, sloth, and carelessness (Err Quotes)
It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err (Err Quotes)
Authority, though it err like others, hath yet a kind of medicine in itself, that skins the vice of the top (Err Quotes)
I shall never be a heretic; I may err in dispute, but I do not wish to decide anything finally; on the other hand, I am not bound by the opinions of men (Err Quotes)
Experience does not err. Only your judgments err by expecting from her what is not in her power (Err Quotes)
If I err in belief that the souls of men are immortal, I gladly err, nor do I wish this error which gives me pleasure to be wrested from me while I live (Err Quotes)
God Himself allows certain faults; and often we say, I have deserved to err; I have deserved to be ignorant (Err Quotes)
The more important the subject and the closer it cuts to the bone of our hopes and needs, the more we are likely to err in establishing a framework for analysis (Err Quotes)
Taught by experience to know my own blindness, shall I speak as if I could not err, and as if others might not in some disputed points be more enlightened than myself? (Err Quotes)
To err is human; but contrition felt for the crime distinguishes the virtuous from the wicked (Err Quotes)
I am conservative by temperament. I disapprove of criminal activity. I am very solidly and markedly on the side of authority. The truth is I would rather err on the side of too much authority than too little (Err Quotes)
When there are multiple versions of a story, you really have three ways to go. You can pick the most sensational version. You can try to balance things in your gut to get to what you think is the honest truth. Or you can err on the side of kindness (Err Quotes)
Nothing can be said: nothing sure, nothing probable, nothing honest. Better to err through omission than through commission: better to refrain from steering the fate of others, since it is already so difficult to navigate one’s own (Err Quotes)
To err is human, but when the eraser wears out ahead of the pencil, you’re overdoing it (Err Quotes)
Baseball calls it a curve ball for a reason: you just don’t know where some pitches will land. Your ace could get injured. Your golden glover could err. Your team could sit through a rain delay. Your manager could get ejected. Your bench must be broad and deep enough to overcome (Err Quotes)
My father always told me that in this world we are going to make a truckload of mistakes, but the best mistake we can ever make is to err on the side of mercy (Err Quotes)
Reason offers us many possibilities at once. Intuition infallibly chooses the best. Remember this and you cannot err; you will always make the right choice (Err Quotes)
To err is human, but to really screw things up requires a design committee of bureaucrats (Err Quotes)
Let us be merciful in our mental judgments of our brothers and sisters, for, in truth, we are all one, and the more deeply they seem to err, the more urgent is the need for us to help them with the right thought, and so make it easier for them to get free (Err Quotes)
You call me a misanthrope because I avoid society. You err; I love society. Yet in order not to hate people, I must avoid their company (Err Quotes)
Sincere biblical repentance is as much a work of grace as not sinning in the first place. To err is human, to make progress is divine (Err Quotes)
A liberal society stands on the proposition that we should all take seriously the idea that we might be wrong. This means we must place no one, including ourselves, beyond the reach of criticism; it means that we must allow people to err, even where the error offends and upsets, as it often will (Err Quotes)
Even when you err, it is a thousand times better to err out of conviction than to hide your true opinion to respect some authority (Err Quotes)