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Essence Quotes

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The blindness that opens the eye is not the one that darkens vision. Tears and not sight are the essence of the eye  (Essence Quotes) Advertising is in essence simply a means of communication through mass media which is available to anyone who can pay for it. It is, in this sense, rather like electricity, which can be used to work a refrigerator or a dentist’s drill  (Essence Quotes) The essence of spirituality is the duty to live to its full the glorious destiny of being human. The purpose of religion should be to empower all people in this adventure of living with dignity and fulfillment  (Essence Quotes) Each new season grows from the leftovers from the past. That is the essence of change, and change is the basic law  (Essence Quotes) A main part of the struggle of art has been to make an art that is direct, simple, humane, unconnected with powers that be in their essence... To the degree that it is connected with the bourgeoisie via the marketplace and so on is not necessarily an artist’s problem  (Essence Quotes) Professions of humility are the very cream, the very essence of pride; the really humble person wishes to be, and not to appear so. Humility is timorous, and starts at her shadow; and so delicate that if she hears her name pronounced it endangers her existence  (Essence Quotes) All philosophies are mental fabrications. There has never been a single doctrine by which one could enter the true essence of things  (Essence Quotes) If you’re able to be yourself, then you have no competition. All you have to do is get closer and closer to that essence  (Essence Quotes) Theories have been outgrown. The means is disappearing, the reality of the sensation alone remains. It is that in its essence which I wish to put down. It should be a delightful adventure  (Essence Quotes) The essence of a class system is not that the privileged are conscious of their privileges, but that the deprived are conscious of their deprivations  (Essence Quotes) Women’s rights in essence is really a movement for freedom, a movement for equality, for the dignity of all women, for those who work outside the home and those who dedicate themselves with more altruism than any profession I know to being wives and mothers, cooks and chauffeurs, and child psychologists and loving human beings  (Essence Quotes) We ordinary people must forge our own beauty. We must set fire to the greyness of our labor with the art of our own lives... What is the essence of this art of living? Of course, even this art should have beauty as its essence  (Essence Quotes) Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time  (Essence Quotes) The essence of this law is that you must think abundance; see abundance, feel abundance, believe abundance. Let no thought of limitation enter your mind  (Essence Quotes) We are a strong, robust, and prosperous nation. Optimism is the essence of our success. It drives our creativity and emboldens our entrepreneurial spirit. It is what makes us invest in the future and accomplish our highest aims  (Essence Quotes) Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies and cuts through to the essence of the evolutionary spirit  (Essence Quotes) The fact that modern physics, the manifestation of an extreme specialization of the rational mind, is now making contact with mysticism, the essence of religion and manifestation of an extreme specialization of the intuitive mind, shows very beautifully the unity and complementary nature of the rational and intuitive modes of consciousness; of the yang and the yin  (Essence Quotes) Life at its essence boils down to one day at a time. Today is the day!  (Essence Quotes) It becomes the urgent duty of mathematicians, therefore, to meditate about the essence of mathematics, its motivations and goals and the ideas that must bind divergent interests together  (Essence Quotes) Integrating the mind is the essence of life. Decide you will always say and do only what you feel is right. Then, you will come to tremendous clarity and conviction in the inner and outer worlds  (Essence Quotes) The essence of sculpture is for me the perception of space, the continuum of our existence  (Essence Quotes) The sort of dependence that results from exchange, i.e., from commercial transactions, is a reciprocal dependence. We cannot be dependent upon a foreigner without his being dependent on us. Now, this is what constitutes the very essence of society. To sever natural interrelations is not to make oneself independent, but to isolate oneself completely  (Essence Quotes) The woof and warp of all thought and all research is symbols, and the life of thought and science is the life inherent in symbols; so that it is wrong to say that a good language is important to good thought, merely; for it is the essence of it  (Essence Quotes) Science has a simple faith, which transcends utility. Nearly all men of science, all men of learning for that matter, and men of simple ways too, have it in some form and in some degree. It is the faith that it is the privilege of man to learn to understand, and that this is his mission. If we abandon that mission under stress we shall abandon it forever, for stress will not cease. Knowledge for the sake of understanding, not merely to prevail, that is the essence of our being. None can define its limits, or set its ultimate boundaries  (Essence Quotes) The essence of knowledge is generalization. That fire can be produced by rubbing wood in a certain way is a knowledge derived by generalization from individual experiences; the statement means that rubbing wood in this way will always produce fire. The art of discovery is therefore the art of correct generalization... The separation of relevant from irrelevant factors is the beginning of knowledge  (Essence Quotes) Theory is the essence of facts. Without theory scientific knowledge would be only worthy of the madhouse  (Essence Quotes) The real achievement in discoveries... is seeing an analogy where no one saw one before... The essence of discovery is that unlikely marriage of... previously unrelated forms of reference or universes of discourse, whose union will solve the previously insoluble problem  (Essence Quotes) ... That which they call abstract is the most realistic, because what is real is not the exterior but the idea, the essence of things  (Essence Quotes) Woe to the people that fails to honor its heroes! It will cease producing them, cease knowing them. Heroes spring from the essence of their people. A people without heroes is a people without leaders, for only a heroic leader is a true leader able to withstand the challenge of difficult times  (Essence Quotes) To obtain the pure silence necessary for the disciple, the heart and emotions, the brain and its intellectualisms, have to be put aside. Both are but mechanisms, which will perish with the span of man’s life. It is the essence beyond, that which is the motive power, and makes man live, that is now compelled to rouse itself and act  (Essence Quotes)
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