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Essence Quotes

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What I most cherish is the observation of the movement of colors. Only in this have I found the laws of those simultaneous and complementary color contrasts that nourish the actual rhythm of my vision. In this I find the actual essence, an essence which is not born out of an a priori system or theory  (Essence Quotes) For the essence of science, I would suggest, is simply the refusal to believe on the basis of hope  (Essence Quotes) ... the source of all great mathematics is the special case, the concrete example. It is frequent in mathematics that every instance of a concept of seemingly generality is, in essence, the same as a small and concrete special case  (Essence Quotes) Summer cooking implies a sense of immediacy, a capacity to capture the essence of the fleeting moment  (Essence Quotes) You have to deeply understand the essence of a product in order to be able to get rid of the parts that are not essential  (Essence Quotes) Remember, the essence of storytelling demands that we place our main characters on a path. A quest with something at stake, with something to do, to achieve, to learn, and to change  (Essence Quotes) Work is, after all, not a busy running back and forth in established grooves, though that is the essence of our modern business and academic life, but the supreme energy and disciplined curiosity required to cut new grooves  (Essence Quotes) The field is a halfway house, halfway between the detail of those intimately known places and the ignorance of a landscape view... The essence of a field is that the cultural accommodates the natural there. The human being makes room for and makes use of those organisms that are not him. In that way the field is a poem to symbiosis, and a human contract with the natural  (Essence Quotes) The essence of power is the knowledge that what you do is going to have an effect not just an immediate but perhaps a lifelong effect on the happiness and wellbeing of millions of people and so I think the essence of power is to be conscious of what it can mean for others  (Essence Quotes) The essence of leadership is making up your own mind and then being able to take other people with you  (Essence Quotes) The essence of drama is that man cannot walk away from the consequences of his own deeds  (Essence Quotes) To make the essence of man visible in the exposure is the highest art of photography  (Essence Quotes) The best way to protect your own freedom is to watch everybody else’s back. That’s the essence of community  (Essence Quotes) Roots of the weed sucked first life from the genesis of earth and hold the essence of it still. Always the weed returns; the cultured plant retreats before it  (Essence Quotes) I am alive. Up here with the song of the engine and the air whispering on my face as the sunlight and shadows play upon the banking, wheeling wings, I am completely, vibrantly alive. With the stick in my right hand, the throttle in my left, and the rudder beneath my feet, I can savor that essence from which life is made  (Essence Quotes) That’s the essence of songcraft: making something everyone can understand yet it still sounds new  (Essence Quotes) The essence of peace is to merge two opposites. Therefore your notions should not scare you if you see another, who absolutely opposes you, and you presume that there is no chance for peace between you two. On the same token when you see two individuals who are exactly two opposites, never say it would be impossible for them to reconcile. On the contrary, and this is the perfection of peace to make it between two opposites  (Essence Quotes) Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected... so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me... Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons... At the very least I was going stark, raving mad  (Essence Quotes) Beauty kindles love, and only the one who remains captivated by it, only the one who is intoxicated by it, only the one who remains a lover while he is investigating its essence, can hope to penetrate its essence  (Essence Quotes) I want to allow others to reveal and celebrate aspects of themselves that are usually hidden. My camera is a witness. It holds a light up for my subjects to help them feel their own essence, and gives them the courage to collaborate in the recording of these revelations  (Essence Quotes) The context of the general teachings is one of talking to a sentient being who is experiencing uninterrupted bewilderment? one thought or emotion after another like the surface of the ocean in turmoil, without any recognition of mind essence. This confusion is continuous, without almost any break, life after life  (Essence Quotes) Mysticism is, in essence, little more than a certain intensity and depth of feeling in regard to what is believed about the universe  (Essence Quotes) Be true to yourself, and stick with who you are through thick and thin without letting anyone dilute your essence  (Essence Quotes) What affects one thing affects, in some way, all things: All is interwoven into the continuous fabric of being. Its warp and weft are energy, which is the essence of magic  (Essence Quotes) I don’t like to intellectualize about my acting. I don’t sit around and study the pages of a script over and over again. I don’t worry whether the period is contemporary or three hundred years ago. Human beings are all alike. The main thing in acting is honesty, to feel the humanity and get to the essence of the character. You can’t put anything into a character that you haven’t got within you  (Essence Quotes) If what that man did in his life, makes the blood pulse through the body of others, and makes them believe deeper in something larger than life, then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized by the storytellers, by the loyalty, by the memory, of those who honor him and make whatever the man did live forever  (Essence Quotes) I like it when the waiter askes you if you want parmesan cheese on your dinner, yeah, give me essence of puke all over me tea!  (Essence Quotes) Devotion is the essence of the path, and if we have in mind nothing but the guru and feel nothing but fervent devotion, whatever occurs is perceived as his blessing. If we simply practice with this constantly present devotion, this is prayer itself. When all thoughts are imbued with devotion to the guru, there is a natural confidence that this will take care of whatever may happen. All forms are the guru, all sounds are prayer, and all gross and subtle thoughts arise as devotion. Everything is spontaneously liberated in the absolute nature, like knots untied in the sky  (Essence Quotes) With the stick in my right hand, the throttle in my left, and the rudder beneath my feet, I can savor that essence from which life is made  (Essence Quotes) The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live. It is about the realities of what makes for an attractive, civilized, meaningful environment, not about fashion or what’s in or what’s out. This is not an easy job  (Essence Quotes)
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