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Essence Quotes

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The essence of the liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held; instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment  (Essence Quotes) Objectivity is of the very essence of photography, its contribution and at the same time its limitation  (Essence Quotes) With the camera, it’s all or nothing. You either get what you’re after at once, or what you do has to be worthless. I don’t think the essence of photography has the hand in it so much. The essence is done very quietly with a flash of the mind, and with a machine. I think too that photography is editing, editing after the taking. After knowing what to take, you have to do the editing  (Essence Quotes) When you approach something to photograph it, first be still with yourself until the object of your attention affirms your presence. Then don’t leave until you have captured its essence  (Essence Quotes) I was blessed with good genetics, but my essence is very happy and warm and I don’t take my job too seriously. I’m not saving lives here  (Essence Quotes) Kindness, as we will see, has many facets. But its essence is as simple as can be. We will find that kindness is a way of making _less_ effort. It is the most economic attitude there is, because it saves us much energy that we might otherwise waste in suspicion, worry, resentment, manipulation, or unnecessary defense. It is an attitude that, by eliminating the inessential, brings us back to the simplicity of being  (Essence Quotes) The man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures and acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization  (Essence Quotes) The essence of leadership is not giving things or even providing visions. It is offering oneself and one’s spirit  (Essence Quotes) Magick, in essence, is the ability to communicate to the universe what you want in an effective way, so that the universe can then respond and create what you desire  (Essence Quotes) The essence of dramatic form is to let an idea come over people without it being plainly stated. When you say something directly, it’s simply not as potent as it is when you allow people to discover it for themselves  (Essence Quotes) Cool? Am I cool? I don’t know, but I hope my characters are cool, in the sense of iconic. That’s my job, at its very essence  (Essence Quotes) The essence of fascism is to make laws forbidding everything and then enforce them selectively against your enemies  (Essence Quotes) You’re trying to take something that can be described in many, many sentences and pages of prose, but you can convert it into a couple lines of poetry and you still get the essence, so it’s that compression. The best code is poetry  (Essence Quotes) It’s like there is this predator energy on this planet, and this predator energy feeds on the essence of the spirit  (Essence Quotes) It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the processnof doing  (Essence Quotes) Most software has a tiny essence that justifies its existence, everything after that is wants and desires mistaken for needs and necessities  (Essence Quotes) Young anglers love new rivers the way they love the rest of their lives. Time does not seem to be of the essence and somewhere in the system is what they are looking for  (Essence Quotes) That, in essence, is the catastrophe of suicide for those who survive: not only the loss of someone, but the loss of the chance to persuade that person to act differently, the loss of the chance to connect  (Essence Quotes) Harton thought that if one squeezed humanity through a wine press, its essence would flow out as drops of policemen  (Essence Quotes) We’ve become a culture where earning money doesn’t entitle you to it, but wanting it does. That is the essence of redistribution  (Essence Quotes) To abstract is to draw out the essence of a matter. To abstract in art is to separate certain fundamentals from irrelevant material which surrounds them  (Essence Quotes) Modern physics had shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter. For modern physicists... Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter  (Essence Quotes) The essence of wisdom is to know when to be doing, and when it’s useless even to try  (Essence Quotes) The essence of intelligence would seem to be in knowing when to think and act quickly, and knowing when to think and act slowly  (Essence Quotes) Although the content of consciousness depends in large measure on neuronal activity, awareness itself does not.To me, it seems more and more reasonable to suggest that the mind may be a distinct and different essence  (Essence Quotes) Having begun my life in science searching for the equation beyond time, I now believe that the deepest secret of the universe is that its essence rests in how it unfolds moment by moment in time  (Essence Quotes) Do we, as humans, having an ability to reason and to communicate abstract ideas verbally and in writing, and to form ethical and moral judgments using the accumulated knowledge of the ages, have the right to take the lives of other sentient organisms, particularly when we are not forced to do so by hunger or dietary need, but rather do so for the somewhat frivolous reason that we like the taste of meat? In essence, should we know better?  (Essence Quotes) The female form provides the solution in which the essence itself is held; she is passio, and acted upon, the male is actio, the mover  (Essence Quotes) I am talking about societies drained of their essence, cultures trampled underfoot, institutions undermined, lands confiscated, religions smashed, magnificent artistic creations destroyed, extraordinary possibilities wiped out  (Essence Quotes) The function of the margin of safety is, in essence, that of rendering unnecessary an accurate estimate of the future  (Essence Quotes)
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