Essential Quotes

Text Quotes
Your inner purpose is an essential part of the purpose of the whole, the universe and its emerging intelligence. Your outer purpose can change over time. It varies greatly from person to person. Finding and living in alignment with the inner purpose is the foundation for fulfilling your outer purpose. It is the basis for true success. (Essential Quotes)
We renovate the heart by, of course, changing it, but we can’t do that, really, without changing the other essential parts of the human personality. (Essential Quotes)
The media is absolutely essential to the functioning of a democracy. It’s not our job to cozy up to power. We’re supposed to be the check and balance on government. (Essential Quotes)
The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy. (Essential Quotes)
Inner child work is essential. It’s the essence of growth as a whole person (Essential Quotes)
It’s important, according to me, to train in small doses so as to not lose the joy of playing chess. I personally think too many coaching and training classes may take away a child’s interest in the game itself. The essential thing to do is practise often and, in case of a doubt, to consult a trainer. (Essential Quotes)
It’s essential that a part of you not grow up. Childhood wonder gives us our spark and beauty. (Essential Quotes)
The books I loved in childhood - the first loves - I’ve read so often that I’ve internalized them in some really essential way: they are more inside me now than out. (Essential Quotes)
Money can add very much to one’s ability to lead a constructive life, not only pleasant for oneself, but, hopefully, beneficial to others. My grandfather, along with Carnegie, was a pioneer in philanthropy, which my father then practiced on a very large scale. The Christian ethic played an essential part in my upbringing. (Essential Quotes)
It is absolutely essential to have a living visible example of what a Christian ought to be (Essential Quotes)
The notion that there is no basic value system is far more incoherent or invalid than the notion that there are essential values. Every religion can tell you it has basic values. You ask a Christian, most Christians would say love God and love your neighbor. Is that the entirety of Christianity? No one in his right mind would say it is. (Essential Quotes)
The state can be a force for good. The Rule of law is absolutely essential to a good life. God has instituted government and leaders throughout history and throughout the Biblical narrative. However, the state is growing precisely as the church is fading as a force for good, and this does not seem to be a good trend. (Essential Quotes)
Occupy Wall Street was a disorganized movement without a clear focus and power base - essential in any successful revolution - but the message was clear: the divisions between those who are fortunate enough to enjoy city living as opposed to those who find it unbearable are too wide. (Essential Quotes)
Liberal Democrats in government will not follow the last Labour government by sounding the retreat on the protection of civil liberties in the United Kingdom. It continues to be essential that our civil liberties are safeguarded, and that the state is not given the powers to snoop on its citizens at will. (Essential Quotes)
I’ve come to realize that protecting freedom of choice in our everyday lives is essential to maintaining a healthy civil society. (Essential Quotes)
Middle class families are struggling to send their sons and daughters to school. For many Americans, a college education is essential to future success. (Essential Quotes)
Energy security based on clean and reliable sources is essential for India’s future. Nuclear energy has a key role in India’s energy strategy. (Essential Quotes)
Sporting events like the Olympics have developed and maintained a clear message of promoting gender equality as an essential criterion in the success of any international event. (Essential Quotes)
The essential thing we need to understand is that the climate crisis is not some future threat, but a very present peril, the biggest one humans have ever encountered. Until we understand that, we’ll dawdle. (Essential Quotes)
Night and gin and music-the right setting for peeling off the thin clinging layers of bullshit and finding one’s way down closer to the essential self. (Essential Quotes)
Conflict in close relationships is not only inevitable, it’s essential. Intimacy connects people who are inevitably different. (Essential Quotes)
The trade unions are a long-established and essential part of our national life. We take our stand by these pillars of our British society as it has gradually developed and evolved itself, of the right of individual labouring men to adjust their wages and conditions by collective bargaining, including the right to strike. (Essential Quotes)
All painting - the painting of the past as well as of the present - shows us that its essential plastic means were only line and color. (Essential Quotes)
Prior to Wordsworth, humor was an essential part of poetry. I mean, they don’t call them Shakespeare comedies for nothing. (Essential Quotes)
Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things: air, sleep, dreams, sea, the sky - all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it. (Essential Quotes)
No matter what our decorating style - realized or aspired to the essential spiritual grace our home should possess is the solace of comfort. (Essential Quotes)
Movements such as the Pan-Germanic, Pan-Islamic, or Pan-Negro justify themselves on the basis of their common language, or their common religion, or their color. But since the undefined masses involved in these movements lack the essential and real unity of background or community of purpose, they become a grave danger to general peace. (Essential Quotes)
One generalization that is supported both by research and experience is that effective two-way communication is essential to proper functioning of the leader-follower relationship. (Essential Quotes)
As far as nonviolence and Spiritual Activism, Marshall Rosenberg is it! Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, is essential reading for anyone who wants to improve their communication skills. Applying the concepts within the book will help guide the reader towards a more loving, compassionate, and nonviolent way of understanding and functioning with others, and foster more compassion in the world. I highly recommend this book. (Essential Quotes)
The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are concentration, discrimination, organization, innovation and communication. (Essential Quotes)