Established Quotes

Text Quotes
The stability and peace which seemed to be so firmly established by the brilliant monarchy of Francis I vanished with the terrible outbreak of the Wars of Religion (Established Quotes)
We’ve established a Washington State Academy of Sciences that will enable us to make decisions based on science about what is right for our state, meaning the quality of our lives will get better (Established Quotes)
They established their patriotic credentials long ago, and are either supportive of the Bush agenda or know when to keep their traps shut (Established Quotes)
Mine are the deep-seated fears established when we are children, and they never quite go away: the fear of being helpless, the fear of being trapped, the fear of being out of control (Established Quotes)
I feel fully decided that we should all go to Europe together and to work as if an established Partnership for Life consisting of Husband Wife and Children (Established Quotes)
The last Hague Conference has in the meantime expressed its opinion that a body should be established which could prepare for the work involved more effectively than has hitherto proved possible (Established Quotes)
Kat and I were in our 20s when we won in 88. Our personalities were already established. We were ready to move on to a life of professional skating (Established Quotes)
Such is the nature of comic strips. Once established, their half - life is usually more than nuclear waste. Typically, the end result is lazy, rich cartoonists (Established Quotes)
Mutual forbearance and reciprocal concessions: thro’ their agency the Union was established - the patriotic spirit from which they emanated will forever sustain it (Established Quotes)
Since the Revolution, eight generations of America’s veterans have established an unbroken commitment to freedom (Established Quotes)
Delaware State has established itself as an institution of excellence in its own right and attracts a diversity of students from various races, socio-economic status and locations (Established Quotes)
The blessing of influence is helping others succeed. It is lifting up Christ with your established platform (Established Quotes)
In Europe there’s the upper crust, and these are long, historically families and social systems that have certain established rules that’s harder to break into (Established Quotes)
Even in Japan, I don’t think that the game culture is established. For example, my father will watch movies but games don’t appear in his life at all, I think that that’s sad (Established Quotes)
The fate of a song is often established in the first 15 minutes of writing (Established Quotes)
I think what Robert Redford established is amazing; thank God for Robert Redford. He’s set an amazing example with Sundance and I hope to follow that in my own way (Established Quotes)
Entourage [movie] really is established as a genre unto itself, much like the thriller or the horror movie or the comedy. And those things trend (Established Quotes)
Progress of any kind is always at variance with the old and established ideas and therefore with the codes inspired by them. Every step of progress is a change involving heavy risks (Established Quotes)
What happens when there is a conflict between the Scottish parliament, if it was established, and the Westminster parliament? Who is supreme? (Established Quotes)
The essentially unchangeable established order of things slowly disappeared and was forgotten for a while completely (Established Quotes)
By the time that product is ready to be distributed widely, it will already have established customers (Established Quotes)
Our power does not know liberty or justice. It is established on the destruction of the individual will (Established Quotes)
A man, in order to establish himself in the world, does everything he can to appear established there (Established Quotes)
To establish yourself in the world a person must do all they can to appear already established (Established Quotes)
Any fact is better established by two or three good testimonies than by a thousand arguments (Established Quotes)
My monetary studies have led me to the conclusion that central banks could profitably be replaced by computers. Fortunately, for me personally, that conclusion has had no practical impact, else there would have been no Central Bank of Sweden to have established the award [Nobel Prize] I am honored to receive (Established Quotes)
Breaking the rules and challenging convention is in the DNA of every successful entrepreneur. Doing things differently and solving problems with new, innovative and fresh approaches are the very reason many start-ups are able to compete and sometimes outpace the established market leaders (Established Quotes)
Motherhood goes back in history to a time when a father had no way of knowing his children. Fatherhood only became known when class patriarchal society had established itself and imposed monogamous marriage on women. Motherhood is like sun and rain and plants, a quality and product of nature which does not require laws or systems in order to exist (Established Quotes)
But every state, says an inquisitor, has established some religion. No two, say I, have established the same. Is this a proof of the infallibility of establishments? (Established Quotes)
In old Egypt, it was established law, that the vote of a prophet be reckoned equal to a hundred hands. I think it was much under-estimated (Established Quotes)