Estate Quotes

Text Quotes
I set forth a humble and inglorious life; that does not matter. You can tie up all moral philosophy with a common and private life just as well as with a life of richer stuff. Each man bears the entire form of man’s estate (Estate Quotes)
Never in any case say I have lost such a thing, but I have returned it. Is your child dead? It is a return. Is your wife dead? It is a return. Are you deprived of your estate? Is not this also a return? (Estate Quotes)
Men being born with a title to perfect freedom and uncontrolled enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of the law of nature... no one can be put out of his estate and subjected to the political view of another, without his consent (Estate Quotes)
Though we seem grieved at the shortness of life in general, we are wishing every period of it at an end. The minor longs to be at age, then to be a man of business, then to make up an estate, then to arrive at honors, then to retire (Estate Quotes)
Such men as fortune raises from a mean estate to the highest elevation by way of a joke (Estate Quotes)
If thou art rich, then show the greatness of thy fortune; or what is better, the greatness of thy soul, in the meekness of thy conversation; condescend to men of low estate, support the distressed, and patronize the neglected. Be great (Estate Quotes)
My dad didn’t graduate from high school, ended up being a printing salesman, probably never made more than $8,000 a year. My mom sold real estate and did it part time (Estate Quotes)
Oasis can’t be summed up in one word. I could do a sentence: Boys from council estate made it very, very big (Estate Quotes)
Often in gothic novels there’s a large house, an estate, and it’s symbolic of that culture. Usually it’s sort of moldering or rotted or something, and sometimes it’s a whole community (Estate Quotes)
Real estate is at the core of almost every business, and it’s certainly at the core of most people’s wealth. In order to build your wealth and improve your business smarts, you need to know about real estate (Estate Quotes)
Estate agents: like them or loathe them, you’d be mad not to loathe them (Estate Quotes)
Years ago, before this estate was generously and unwillingly turned over to the crown, the lord here was a genuine dimwit. He had a minister stashed behind his throne to whisper clever things to say (Estate Quotes)
A Shakespearean tragedy as so far considered may be called a story of exceptional calamity leading to the death of a man in high estate. But it is clearly much more than this, and we have now to regard it from another side (Estate Quotes)
And though my Lord hath lost his estate and been banished out of his country, yet neither despised poverty nor pinching necessity could make him break the bonds of friendship or weaken his loyal duty (Estate Quotes)
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have you declared legally insane in order to gain control of your estate (Estate Quotes)
An aspiration is a joy forever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune which we can never exhaust and which gives us year by year a revenue of pleasurable activity (Estate Quotes)
Attention is a bit like real estate, in that they’re not making any more of it. Unlike real estate, though, it keeps going up in value (Estate Quotes)
The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own (Estate Quotes)
Ideas aren’t real estate, they grow collectively and that knocks out the egotistical loneliness that generally infects art (Estate Quotes)
Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth (Estate Quotes)
If I have cash and I can’t figure a way to put it into real estate or my business, I hold it in gold and silver (Estate Quotes)
The problem with real estate is that it’s local. You have to understand the local market (Estate Quotes)
Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate (Estate Quotes)
When getting help with money, whether it is insurance, real estate or investments you should always look for a person with the heart of a teacher, not the heart of a salesman (Estate Quotes)
Real estate is the key cost of physical retailers. That’s why there’s the old saw: location, location, location (Estate Quotes)
Every day, you’ll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net. Sure, it’s a lot easier to stay in your comfort zone.. in my case, business suits and real estate.. but sometimes you have to take risks. When the risks pay off, that’s when you reap the biggest rewards (Estate Quotes)
What, after all, is the public under present conditions? What are the reasons for its eclipse? What hinders it from finding and identifying itself? By what means shall its inchoate and amorphous estate be organized into effective political action relevant to present social needs and opportunities? What has happened to the public in the century and a half since the theory of political democracy was urged with such assurance and hope? (Estate Quotes)
In the name of the values that keep you alive, do not let your vision of man be distorted by the ugly, the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title. Do not lose your knowledge that man’s proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads (Estate Quotes)
I am being embezzled by a monstrous ring of accountants, estate planners and lawyers who are mercilessly slandering me and trying to kill my career and, I believe, murder me in order to gain control of my royalties (Estate Quotes)
A real estate closer. Oh, what’s that? I’m a real estate opener. What is a real estate closer? You mean at the end where you’ve got to sign all those papers? (Estate Quotes)