Estate Quotes

Text Quotes
In dedicating his estate to the honoring of endeavors that benefit mankind, Alfred Nobel expressed a lifelong concern that is even more timely in 1972 than it was in his lifetime (Estate Quotes)
I believe that nothing enjoys a higher estate in our society than the right given by the First and Fourteenth Amendments freely to practice and proclaim one’s religious convictions (Estate Quotes)
If any man, out of an humour, should turn all his Estate into Money, and keep it dead, he would soon be sensible of Poverty growing upon him, whilst he is eating out of the quick stock (Estate Quotes)
No Man is richer for having his Estate all in Money, plate, etc. Lying by him, but on the contrary, he is for that reason the poorer (Estate Quotes)
We were using the record as a tool to invest money into real estate all through the South, because we were living in an era where the South was changing (Estate Quotes)
For I, hearing my Lord’s estate amongst many more estates was to be sold, and that the wives of the owners should have an allowance therefrom, it gave me hopes I should receive a benefit thereby (Estate Quotes)
We were the only black family in an estate with 1,000 white families. Liverpool being quite racist in the Sixties, it was a bit grim growing up (Estate Quotes)
I’m from a council estate myself, and the biggest release we had as kids was football. That’s where all the great players learn their trade - as kids having a kickabout (Estate Quotes)
The press is called the Fourth Estate. It is definitely a power, but, to misuse that power is criminal (Estate Quotes)
I used to collect Persian rugs and real estate - you should be able to walk on and live in your money. I had to give up the rugs because I’m allergic to mould (Estate Quotes)
For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed (Estate Quotes)
In the commercial real estate business, brokers spearhead major accounts. But they wouldn’t have customers without the people who oversee construction (Estate Quotes)
Success in real estate is about location, location, location. Success in life is about action, action, action (Estate Quotes)
I was selling real estate at the time, in Pacific Palisades, California, so imagine that: getting a note and a bottle of champagne from Jack Nicholson when I’d barely made a dime as an actor. It really kept me going (Estate Quotes)
The estate taxes, on balance, are good. They get people to give money to charity, and they prevent these family dynasties which keep other people from having opportunities. It may be good for a family, but for society it’s probably not good. And I’ve always been in favor of having an estate tax (Estate Quotes)
My basic strategy is to stick to my core business, and to my area of expertise. My businesses are all related - retail, shopping centers, banking, real estate and tourism development. Together they create synergy (Estate Quotes)
I really like Jeff Lewis and ‘Flipping Out’ and ‘Interior Therapy.’ I don’t know why I’m obsessed with American real estate and renovation (Estate Quotes)
I am none of those nonsensical fools that can whine and make romantic love--I leave that to younger brothers. Let my estate speakfor me (Estate Quotes)
Martha Stewart is now under house arrest. So she’ll go to her $40 million 153-acre estate. So she’s going from the big house to an even bigger house (Estate Quotes)
My friends are my estate. Forgive me then the avarice to hoard them. They tell me those who were poor early have different views of gold. I don’t know how that is. God is not so wary as we, else He would give us no friends, lest we forget Him (Estate Quotes)
Making love to a woman is like buying real estate: location, location, location (Estate Quotes)
Wills are trumped by legal titles to real estate or beneficiary designations on financial accounts, retirement plans and insurance policies (Estate Quotes)
Women who have it all should try having nothing: I have no husband, no children, no real estate, no stocks, no bonds, no investments, no 401(k), no CDs, no IRAs, no emergency fund - I don’t even have a savings account. It’s not that I have not planned for the future; I have not planned for the present (Estate Quotes)
Moving is easy, exciting, an adventure - when you’re young. Later, not so much. I love Massachusetts, my old home. Sometimes, late at night, I even study the real estate ads in my old hometown. But it’s not even a fantasy. My parents are both gone. The world I left doesn’t exist anymore. Neither does the person I was. (Estate Quotes)
To be able to sit in Donald Trump’s apartment and talk about the future of corporate real estate was amazing. (Estate Quotes)
A typical day in my writing life starts with looking at pictures of real estate online for at least 20 minutes. If I happen to be actually in the market for a house, I do this for 40 minutes. Then I walk my dog, come back home, and tell myself I can look at real estate for another five minutes. (Estate Quotes)
There was no theater in my high school. I think even our art program was cut - it was so bad. I didn’t even know that was a possibility in college or in high school; I hadn’t even thought of it. It was pretty negligent. My father has run a bulldozer all of his life, and my mom is in real estate. (Estate Quotes)
The difference between success and failure is not which stock you buy or which piece of real estate you buy, it’s asset allocation. (Estate Quotes)
After I dropped out of college at the age of 19, I became a mortgage broker, and when I went back to school I thought about going into real estate law. I probably would have made a lot more money and died of boredom by now. (Estate Quotes)
I think if people are passionate about something, it could be real estate or biochemistry, and that spark gets turned on in them, everyone’s beautiful in that zone. (Estate Quotes)