Eternal Quotes

Text Quotes
I envy stupidity, stupidity is eternal (Eternal Quotes)
If arrogance is the heady wine of youth, then humility must be its eternal hangover (Eternal Quotes)
What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Keep the commandments (Eternal Quotes)
Justice is the constant and eternal purpose that renders to each his due (Eternal Quotes)
The eternal being..., as it lives in us, also lives in every animal (Eternal Quotes)
The pain of discipline is short, but the glory of the fruition is eternal (Eternal Quotes)
Eternal life is personal existence in continuity with the present life, but transfigured (Eternal Quotes)
O blessed poverty, who bestows eternal riches on those who love and embrace her! (Eternal Quotes)
Eternal life should be sought elsewhere, perhaps in the religious community, not politics (Eternal Quotes)
Reality might be described as the eternal equipoise of positive and negative (Eternal Quotes)
Eternal truth needs a human language that alters with the spirit of the times (Eternal Quotes)
Infancy is what is eternal, and the rest, all the rest, is brevity, extreme brevity (Eternal Quotes)
Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace (Eternal Quotes)
Try as you will, you cannot annihilate that eternal relic of the human heart, love (Eternal Quotes)
Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task (Eternal Quotes)
What is the fire in our belly but the eternal flame of a thousand ancestors (Eternal Quotes)
The imaginative faculty of the soul must be fed with objects immense and eternal (Eternal Quotes)
To desire immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake (Eternal Quotes)
The older I get, the more important the eternal becomes to me personally (Eternal Quotes)
That which is eternal within the moment only becomes shallow if spread out in time (Eternal Quotes)
The history of music is mortal, but the idiocy of the guitar is eternal (Eternal Quotes)
Establish the eternal truth that acquiescence under insult is not the way to escape war (Eternal Quotes)
By means of corporal and temporal things we may comprehend the eternal and the spiritual (Eternal Quotes)
With eternal investments there is never a loss of principle or principal (Eternal Quotes)
Eternal values, not temporal ones, should become the deciding factors for your decisions (Eternal Quotes)
In my stillness I am the eternal possibility. In my movement I am the cosmos (Eternal Quotes)
Life is eternal. You are immortal. You never do die. You simply change form (Eternal Quotes)
Let temporal things serve thy use, but the eternal be the object of thy desire (Eternal Quotes)
Let us embrace, and from this very moment vow an eternal misery together. 3 (Eternal Quotes)
Energy is an eternal delight, and he who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence (Eternal Quotes)