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Eternity Quotes

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We are on a journey through the inward space of the heart, a journey not measured by the hours of our watch or the days of the calendar; for it is a journey out of time into eternity  (Eternity Quotes) It may seem paradoxical to say that we have been expelled from the present, but it is a feeling we have all had at some moment. Some of us experienced it first as a condemnation, later transformed into consciousness and action. The search for the present is neither the pursuit of an earthly paradise nor that of a timeless eternity: it is the search for a real reality  (Eternity Quotes) Christ, having sacrificed himself once, is to eternity a certain and valid sacrifice for the sins of all faithful  (Eternity Quotes) Represent to yourself a dark city all burning and stinking with fire and brimstone. The damned are in the depth of hell within this woful city, where they suffer unspeakable torments in all their senses and members. Consider above all the eternity of their pains, which above all things makes hell intolerable  (Eternity Quotes) Our good works are like stones cast into the pool of time; though the stones themselves may disappear, their ripples extend to eternity  (Eternity Quotes) Consider the shortness of time, the length of eternity, and reflect how everything here below comes to an end and passes by. Of what use is it to lean upon that which cannot give support?  (Eternity Quotes) I will love you all my life and when I die I will still love you through eternity and beyond  (Eternity Quotes) The secret prayer chamber is a bloody battleground. Here violent and decisive battles are fought out. Here the fate of souls for time and eternity is determined, in quietude and solitude  (Eternity Quotes) There’s more truth about a camp than a house. Planning laws need not worry the improvising builder because temporary structures are more beautiful anyway, and you don’t need permission for them. There’s more truth about a camp because that is the position we are in. The house represents what we ourselves would like to be on earth: permanent, rooted, here for eternity. But a camp represents the true reality of things: we’re just passing through  (Eternity Quotes) The body without soul is no longer at the sacrifice. At the day of death it come to rebirth. The divine spirit will make the soul rejoice seeing the eternity of the world  (Eternity Quotes) Eternity has no gray hairs. The flowers fade, the heart withers, people grow old and die, the world lies down in the sepulchre of ages, but time writes no wrinkles on the brow of eternity  (Eternity Quotes) Faith is not an easy virtue; but, in the broad world of a person’s total voyage through time to eternity, faith is not only a gracious companion, but an essential guide  (Eternity Quotes) Look at me, dancing my little dance for a few moments against the background of eternity  (Eternity Quotes) Our object in life should be to accumulate a great number of grand questions to be asked and resolved in eternity  (Eternity Quotes) I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity  (Eternity Quotes) When the answer doesn’t come, it’s not supposed to come yet. Don’t make eternity try and conform to what you want. That’s desire. desire leads to frustration  (Eternity Quotes) Never think too much of yourself. Realize you are only an instrument of eternity. Do not get stuck in that terrible trap. You can lose everything  (Eternity Quotes) You can do anything. You can perform miracles, but it won’t fulfill you. What will fulfill you is the stillness of eternity  (Eternity Quotes) Throughout the day remind yourself that you are moving through eternity. Be focused. Be centered. Be in the now. Know what is going on in the world. Read a newspaper once in a while  (Eternity Quotes) You don’t choose because if you choose you might make the wrong choice, based upon ego or illusion. Instead, you let eternity make all the choices for you  (Eternity Quotes) Whatever you need will be provided. Eternity takes care of everything perfectly. So never want for that which you do not have; you have exactly what you need  (Eternity Quotes) Most people are completely oblivious to eternity. They look at the sky at night and they think that’s eternity; it is just the senses having contact in the sense world. There are other dimensions  (Eternity Quotes) There wasn’t a single day in which the world was created. It’s created anew at every moment. The structures of eternity are completely fluid but they are bound together by the mind forming a nexus point so reality comes into being  (Eternity Quotes) We are cognizant of time, the sense that there is mutability. Time is change. It’s the separation of eternity from itself. When eternity is separated from itself, we see it appear in different forms. Time is not a movement in space. Space is a movement in time  (Eternity Quotes) Happiness is found principally in meditation. Let your mind flow out into eternity. You have to exert some effort. Then you will notice a subtle smile on your face  (Eternity Quotes) Life should be continually brighter. We are continually seeking our own innocence. We want to recapture it for eternity. It’s in there, but we lose touch with it  (Eternity Quotes) Nature is the endless reflective pattern of existence in eternity. As I sit here watching the leaves and watching their patterns, I’m reminded of so many things I’ve seen in other planes and in other worlds  (Eternity Quotes) It is always easier to capture eternity in the falling snow or along the coast where the waves crash and in solitary and lonely places. It is the quiet places where it is easiest to feel eternity  (Eternity Quotes) Eternity becomes more beautiful as we age, if we age well. If we age poorly, then we don’t improve our minds; we don’t refine all the aspects of our being  (Eternity Quotes) You have elected to follow this path you do not know. You have elected to follow the path because eternity has elected you. You will follow it is as long as eternity holds you to it  (Eternity Quotes)
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