Etgar Keret Quotes

Text Quotes
I think there are some artists whose works are misanthropic (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I think tone gives birth to the story (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Hebrew was frozen, like frozen peas, fresh out of the Bible (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Life keeps being a beautiful and frustrating experience (Etgar Keret Quotes)
People usually don’t allow you to cut off their tongue (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I like smoking pot, but I’m not the kind of guy who smokes every day (Etgar Keret Quotes)
My father - I once asked him what was his greatest achievement. He said his greatest achievement was that he fought in five wars in the infantry, always on the front line, and never hurt anybody (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Generally, all my life, I have had strong friction with life - I was a problematic soldier, I was kicked out of the army, I was in fights. There was something about writing that was a way of experimenting with this emotion (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Being published in Arabic is a strong and consistent wish I have. I live in the Middle East and want to be in some sort of an unpragmatic dialogue with my neighbors (Etgar Keret Quotes)
When I say a spoken Hebrew sentence, half of it is like the King James Bible and half of it is a hip-hop lyric. It has a roller-coaster effect (Etgar Keret Quotes)
In the army you feel violated - there’s no private space. Writing was a life-saver, a way of recovering private territory (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I was first introduced to Kafka’s writing during my compulsory army-service basic training. During that period, Kafka’s fiction felt hyperrealistic (Etgar Keret Quotes)
My first and biggest love was always fiction writing. But it is a very lonely pastime (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Life is one heck of an invention. It is better than the iPhone 4S and Coke Zero combined (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I think living in Israel and wanting to change reality is the best prescription for never-ending writer’s block (Etgar Keret Quotes)
This idea where, in this safe haven for Jews, Jews will threaten to kill other Jews, it wasn’t in the brochure (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I don’t have Facebook or Twitter accounts yet. Being a compulsive storyteller, I always make up for myself discouraging stories about how such accounts will get me into embarrassing and time-consuming situations (Etgar Keret Quotes)
What connects me so strongly to Israel is the fact that I’m second generation (Etgar Keret Quotes)
In the last war, people became vocal from the right-wing point of view: if you’re liberal, then you’re a traitor (Etgar Keret Quotes)
If we’re a family and your brother wishes you death, it’s not a very happy family (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Apparently, I’m very, very popular in jails. They often ask me to come and speak (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I really believe hatred is not a primal emotion, in that you can’t find it in nature. It’s basically some kind of distortion of fear (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I don’t need art to tell me people are assholes. I can just go into the streets (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I’m not saying that I don’t experience people in life as evil, but writing is not a place of alienation; writing is the place where we can try to be human (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Often in writing programs, articulation and clarity are more important than what you actually say (Etgar Keret Quotes)
When my books were translated, it was always about the characters, because the unique language aspect was lost in translation. (Etgar Keret Quotes)
I think that, in Hebrew, it’s like the language creates a more unique and specific universe even before the story. (Etgar Keret Quotes)
Most of the Jewish writer friends I have are American, and I feel closer to them because they’re always obsessed with one issue - identity: what does it mean to be an American Jew? (Etgar Keret Quotes)
It took a lot to understand that the interest in both writing a story and reading it is not in the objective dangers someone takes. You don’t have to fight snakes or wake up in a strange apartment to have a story; it’s about what goes on inside your mind and soul. (Etgar Keret Quotes)
As a child, I never wanted my parents to be unhappy, which meant that I would always contemplate what would make them happy. (Etgar Keret Quotes)