Eugene Delacroix Quotes

Text Quotes
If painters left nothing of themselves after their deaths, so that we were obliged to rank them as we do actors according to the judgment of their contemporaries, how different their reputations would be from what posterity has made them! (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
It is often we come the closest to the essence of an artist... in his or her pocket notebooks and travel sketchbooks... where written comments and personal notes provide an intimate insight into the magical mind of a working artist (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
It is only possible to speak in the language and in the spirit of one’s time (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
In abandoning the vagueness of the sketch the artist shows more of his personality by revealing the range but also the limitations of his talent (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
I go to work as others rush to see their mistresses, and when I leave, I take back with me to my solitude, or in the midst of the distractions that I pursue, a charming memory that does not in the least resemble the troubled pleasure of lovers (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
They say that truth is naked. I cannot admit this for any but abstract truths; in the arts, all truths are produced by methods which show the hand of the artist (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Mythological subjects always new. Modern subjects difficult because of the absence of the nude and the wretchedness of modern costume (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
The only ones who can really benefit by consulting the model are those who can produce their effect without a model (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Every time I await a model, even when I am most pressed to time, I am overjoyed when the time comes and I tremble when I hear the key turn in the door (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
The living model never answers well the idea or impressions the painter wishes to express; one must, therefore, learn to do without one, and for that, you must acquire facility, furnish one’s memory to the point of infinitude, and make numerous drawings after the old masters (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
For his contemporaries, racine was a romantic, but for every age he is classical, that is to say, he is faultless (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Of which beauty will you speak? There are many: there are a thousand: there is one for every look, for every spirit, adapted to each taste, to each particular constitution (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
At a distance this fine oak seems to be of ordinary size. But if I place myself under its branches, the impression changes completely: I see it as big, and even terrifying in its bigness (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
God is that inner presence which makes us admire the beautiful and consoles us for not sharing the happiness of the wicked (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
If you are not skillful enough to sketch a man jumping out of a window in the time it takes him to fall from the fourth storey to the ground, you will never be able to produce great works (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Do all the work you can; that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
If one considered life as a simple loan, one would perhaps be less exacting. We possess actually nothing; everything goes through us (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
I believe it safe to say that all progress must lead, not to further progress, but finally to the negation of progress, a return to the point of departure (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
The source of genius is imagination alone, the refinement of the senses that sees what others do not see, or sees them differently (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Mediocre people have an answer for everything and are astonished at nothing. They always want to have the air of knowing better than you what you are going to tell them; when, in their turn, they begin to speak, they repeat to you with the greatest confidence, as if dealing with their own property, the things that they have heard you say yourself at some other place. A capable and superior look is the natural accompaniment of this type of character (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
I live in company with a body, a silent companion, exacting and eternal. He it is who notes that individuality which is the seal of the weakness of our race. My soul has wings, but the brutal jailer is strict (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who can’t attain it in anything (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Experience has two things to teach. The first is that we must correct a great deal and the second, that we must not correct too much (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
The true wisdom of the philosopher ought to insist in enjoying everything. Yet we apply ourselves to dissecting and destroying everything that is good in itself, that has virtue, albeit the virtue there is in mere illusions. Nature gives us this life like a toy to a weak child. We want to see how it all works; we break everything. There remains in our hands, and before our eyes, stupid and opened too late, the sterile wreckage, fragments that will not again make a whole. The good is so simple (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
Cold exactitude is not art; ingenious artifice, when it pleases or when it expresses, is art itself (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
What is real for me are the illusions I create with my paintings. Everything else is quicksand (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
A fine suggestion, a sketch with great feeling, can be as expressive as the most finished product (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
The outcome of my days is always the same; an infinite desire for what one never gets; a void one cannot fill; an utter yearning to produce in all ways, to battle as much as possible against time that drags us along, and the distractions that throw a veil over our soul (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)
A picture is nothing but a bridge between the soul of the artist and that of the spectator (Eugene Delacroix Quotes)