European Quotes

Text Quotes
The European Union spends most of its time either suing me, torturing me, criticizing me or condemning me for lowering the cost of air travel all over Europe (European Quotes)
Believe it or not, Japanese is actually easier than some European languages (European Quotes)
I noticed that the crowds in the US seem to do a lot more moshing than European fans. But it’s also different from venue to venue and really hard to say (European Quotes)
That`s a maple leaf, Canadian, not just for being too European but too Canadian. Not so subtly putting [Ted] Cruz`s face inside that maple leaf there (European Quotes)
But it could be that we, as early as spring, will need to embark on a new policy in order to save one of the cornerstones of European politics: personal freedom of movement (European Quotes)
My operating assumption is we will always have very tough competition. And even with some European banks struggling right now, some of them can reemerge - and maybe even stronger (European Quotes)
I love collecting; my joy is finding private press American or European home studio electronic music from the 60s and 70s (European Quotes)
My family traveled with a whole community to European festivals. My mum did gymnastics, freak show performances, and swung fire in the circus, so I followed her footsteps (European Quotes)
Today the main, over-riding purpose of the European Union is different: not to win peace, but to secure prosperity (European Quotes)
I want the European Union to be a success. And I want a relationship between Britain and the EU that keeps us in it (European Quotes)
At the core of the European Union must be, as it is now, the single market. Britain is at the heart of that Single Market, and must remain so (European Quotes)
This is not our job, but we always follow the actions of our European partners closely and we wish them luck (European Quotes)
I repeat that, in my opinion, the European Commission and the leading European economies are acting very pragmatically and are on the right path (European Quotes)
I think it’s extremely unlikely that the European Union will fracture with nations dropping off the edge (European Quotes)
Aquinas brought an Aristotelian view of reason back into European culture, and lighted the way toward the Renaissance (European Quotes)
Let us not forget that the European Community started as a project for peace after the terrible Second World War. And today people take for granted the freedom to travel, to study, to work abroad. And the citizens of one country have almost exactly the same rights as another country (European Quotes)
If I had political responsibility, I would want to prepare for a plan B that would foresee that the European currency union, that the eurozone, no longer necessarily consists of 17 member states. And that means to make provisions so that other countries are not pulled into the maelstrom through contagion (European Quotes)
Haiti was founded by African slaves who rose against their European masters, had a revolution, and created a new state. There is no other such event in Western history (European Quotes)
Chaga is significant in ethnomycology, forest ecology, and increasingly in pharmacognosy. Its long-term human use and cultural eastern European and Russian acceptance should awaken serious researchers to its potential as a reservoir of new medicines, and as a powerful preventive ally for protecting DNA (European Quotes)
So in Jamaica it is the aim of everybody to talk English, act English and look English. And that last specification is where the greatest difficulties arise. It is not so difficult to put a coat of European culture over African culture, but it is next to impossible to lay a European face over an African face in the same generation (European Quotes)
I’ve always wondered why European politicians as a group seemed brighter than American politicians as a group. Maybe it’s becausemany American politicians have the race issue to fall back on. They become lazy, suspicious of innovative ideas, and as a result American institutions atrophy (European Quotes)
North Koreans are irrational to some extent, but I don’t think they’re totally irrational. I think they watch American cable channels. I think they watch the European cable channels. I think they, their decision makers keep up more than we know. And I think they want us to think they’re a little crazy (European Quotes)
Let me be absolutely clear: I think it is defeatist to sort of say we want to leave the European Union. We’re going to try and change the rules and change the way it works and change the objectives that it has in order to make it something that works for Britain (European Quotes)
Can a geology teacher blithely tell his students that the earth is flat, or a European history professor that the Holocaust didn’t happen? That’s not academic freedom, but dereliction of duty (European Quotes)
The Federal Reserve has an official commitment to two different policies. One is to prevent inflation from getting too high. The second is to maintain high employment... the European Central Bank has only the first. It has no commitment to keep employment up (European Quotes)
I love French films, and European films. They’re not any bigger, but there’s just a sort of definition, and a confidence, and strength to them. I’d always, given the option, go and see a French drama. Obviously, we probably get the better ones. But they’re just sophisticated on many levels, and grown up, and quite profound - and we don’t make films like that (European Quotes)
European museums are all dependent on government financing. The moment European governments are under financial pressure, their budgets are cut (European Quotes)
The vicious cycle that is bringing down European states is not going to hit USA, at least not for a while, at the level of the federal government. The same cannot be said of state and local governments (European Quotes)
The bloody years of war and all the atrocities in European history have taught the Europeans that secular politics free of religious hatred is mainly a question of peace. This concept is not anchored in the same way in the consciousness of Turks, which has to do with the fact that the secular was forced upon us by the army (European Quotes)
Turkey, with its political intolerance, as I have described it, is prepared to march forward, to break with its taboo about the Armenians, and is making great strides with respect to human rights and freedom of speech so that it can join the European Union. This alone shows how powerful the European idea is (European Quotes)