Evan Osnos Quotes
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Text Quotes
Fact-checking can wreak havoc on Chinese political mythology (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Young Chinese, who have grown up in an age of prosperity and stability, are typically the most passionate defenders of the Chinese political and economic way. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
By tradition, Beijing is a city of walls, sheltering its intrigues and ambitions behind a series of concentric barriers from the Great Wall down to courtyard homes that draw sunlight only from the gardens at their core. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
In the final years of his life, when former Communist Party Chief Zhao Ziyang lived under house arrest, in Beijing, his aging friends resorted to donning white doctors’ coats in order to slip past the guards stationed outside his home. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
At the age of eighty, the Dalai Lama has begun to discuss a range of prospects for the future disposition of his soul. Traditionally, after he dies, a search party of senior monks would set out to locate his new incarnation, who is most often a boy toddler, who goes on to be trained as a monk and a leader. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
I started working as a reporter in Washington on October 1, 2013, the day the government stopped working. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
When I lived in Beijing in 1996, it was a horizontal city. If you wanted to go out for a burger, if you wanted to really treat yourself, you went to this place called the Jianguo Hotel. The architect had proudly described it as a perfect replica of a Holiday Inn that he had seen in Palo Alto, California. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
419 scams,’ named for a clause from the Nigerian penal code, are such a part of the white noise of the digital age that we no longer notice them. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
There was a docudrama that was made, called ‘The Death Of A Princess,’ which was about a true story in Saudi Arabia. It was about a public execution for adultery. And when the movie was aired on British television, the Saudi government threatened to cut off oil exports and to cut off diplomatic relations. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
The devotion that young Chinese feel to the Internet is driven by deep factors ranging from youth unemployment and income inequality to political repression and the demographic imbalance between men and women. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Christianity is permitted under China’s constitution, and the government has long supported a network of official Christian churches. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
When I moved to Beijing in 2005 to write, I was accustomed to hearing the story of China’s transformation told in vast, sweeping strokes - involving one fifth of humanity and great pivots of politics and economics. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
To my surprise, the more I searched about Qi Xiangfu, the more I found of a life lived partly online. He once wrote a short memoir in which he described himself in the third person, with the formality usually reserved for China’s most famous writers. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
The Central Propaganda Department is the highest-ranking censorship agency in China. And it has control over everything from the appointment of newspaper editors to university professors to the way that films are cut and distributed. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Although Shanghai is on the sea, it long lacked the prosperity that Hong Kong enjoyed, so while Hong Kong became known for its exotic ocean creatures, Shanghai built its diet around more commonplace river and sea fish. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
For years, China expected foreign companies not to publicly voice their complaints about hacking or intellectual-property violations in order to protect their broader interests in the country. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
China no longer has an ideology that makes any sense to them, but what they do have is great pride in the Chinese nation. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Seventy years after China emerged from the Second World War, the greatest threat facing the nation’s leadership is not imperialism but skepticism. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
More than four decades after Nixon met Mao, the relationship between the U.S. and China has reached a pivotal moment. To date, even as China has become more powerful and present in our lives, Americans have generally found it to be an unsatisfying ‘enemy.’ (Evan Osnos Quotes)
By 1979, Chinese people were poorer, on average, than North Koreans. I mean, your average per-capita income in China that year was one third of sub-Saharan Africa’s. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
If the economy can only provide a diminishing political dividend, Chinese leaders will encourage their people to feel pride and vigor in other ways. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
For my book, ‘Age of Ambition,’ I spent time documenting, among other things, the trials of young Chinese strivers who are bombarded by pressures unlike those that their parents faced. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
When Richard Nixon came to Beijing in the winter of 1972, China was still in the throes of the Cultural Revolution, so it had a limited array of entertainment to provide. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Deng Xiaoping made a calculation. He bet on demographics. What he knew was that China had this enormous population of young, underemployed people, people who he could move from the farms to the coast and put them to work in factories, and that would be the lifeblood of China’s economy. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
There’s a reason the Chinese government is very concerned about Ai Weiwei. It’s because he has all of these ingredients in his life that allow him to attract enormous attention across a very broad spectrum of the population. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Political prodigies are rare in a nation that grooms top leaders through decades of Communist Party road-testing and pageantry. And because Chairman Mao’s cult of personality led the country into extremism, the Party spent the next three decades engineering its politicians to be as indistinguishable as possible. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Chinese readers are buying books in translation, particularly non-fiction about China, in large numbers. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
By the Nineties, so many people were moonlighting and creating their own professional identities that China generated a brisk new business in the printing of business cards. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
Analysts, scholars, business people, diplomats, and journalists involved with China spend so much time questioning one another’s biases and loyalties that they have even settled on two opposing categories: ‘panda huggers’ versus ‘panda sluggers.’ (Evan Osnos Quotes)
There’s a national ambition, a collective, in a sense, political ambition, which I think is the thing we see from far away. That’s the fact that China’s building roads and airports and extending its reaches out into the East China Sea and the South China Sea, and in a way that’s putting it into some tension with its neighbors. (Evan Osnos Quotes)
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