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Evangelizing Quotes

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The first step towards the evangelizing of the world is the christianizing of the church  (Evangelizing Quotes) If we do our jobs well and throw in a little evangelizing, we can make sound as important a part of filmmaking as it should be  (Evangelizing Quotes) Throughout this book, we’ve been evangelizing simplicity, but ironically, the practice of simplicity is not simple. It is easy to build a bulky design by adding layer upon layer of navigation and features; it’s much more difficult to create simple, graceful designs. Paring designs to essential elements while maintaining elegance and functionality requires courage and discipline  (Evangelizing Quotes) We have the means of evangelizing our country, but they are slumbering in the pews of our churches  (Evangelizing Quotes) There is no reason whatsoever to think that Buddhism can compete successfully with the relentless evangelizing of Christianity and Islam. Nor should it try to.  (Evangelizing Quotes) Oh my friends, we are loaded with countless church activities, while the real work of the church, that of evangelizing and winning the lost is almost entirely neglected.  (Evangelizing Quotes)