Even If Quotes

Text Quotes
Life can take so many twists and turns. You can’t ever count yourself out. Even if you’re really afraid at some point, you can’t think that there’s no room for you to grow and do something good with your life (Even If Quotes)
They were on the side of the angels, even if the angels weren’t entirely sure that this was a good thing (Even If Quotes)
There’s always a third choice in life. Even if you think you’re stuck between two impossible choices, there’s always a third way. You just have to look for it (Even If Quotes)
They say in the old tales that when a man and woman exchange looks the way we did, their spirits mingle. their gaze is a rope of gold binding each other. even if they never meet again, they carry a little of the other with them always. they can never forget, and they can never be wholly happy again (Even If Quotes)
We say that flowers return every spring, but that is a lie. It is true that the world is renewed. It is also true that that renewal comes at a price, for even if the flower grows from an ancient vine, the flowers of spring are themselves new to the world, untried and untested. The flower that wilted last year is gone. Petals once fallen are fallen forever. Flowers do not return in the spring, rather they are replaced. It is in this difference between returned and replaced that the price of renewal is paid. And as it is for spring flowers, so it is for us (Even If Quotes)
Not forgiving someone hurts you worse than it hurts him... even if he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven... Not forgiving someone is like not pulling a thorn out of your foot just because you weren’t the one who put it there (Even If Quotes)
Even if you yourself were unhappy and anxious, whenever you glimpsed happiness in your child, you suddenly became happy too (Even If Quotes)
They say it’s the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time. Me, I just wanna live a life I’m gonna remember even if I don’t write it down (Even If Quotes)
The first thing he noticed was how quiet it was. This was nothing like the kind of quiet he heard when he woke up in the middle of the night after a bad dream. When that happened, there were always strange, unidentifiable sounds seeping into his room from the tiny gaps where the windowpanes weren’t sealed together correctly. At those moments he could always tell there was life outside, even if all that life was fast asleep. It was a silence that wasn’t silence at all (Even If Quotes)
In the end, I always act from the heart, even if I also value reason and tradition. I wish I could explain why, but I don’t know (Even If Quotes)
If the mind’s not strong, the body acts weak, even if it’s not. If the mind says it’s too cold or too rainy or too windy to run, the body will be more than happy to agree. If the mind says it would be better to rest or recover or cut practice, the body will be glad to oblige (Even If Quotes)
Caitlyn isn’t someone to get over. She’s someone to come to terms with, the way you have to come to terms with your parents, your siblings. You can’t deny they ever happened. You can’t deny you ever loved them, love them still, even if loving them causes you pain (Even If Quotes)
He was calling it an atonic seizure because, even if he didn’t know why it had happened, it was important to give it a cool name (Even If Quotes)
I know what they said even if they would not say it to my face. People love to talk. They love to slander you if you have any substance (Even If Quotes)
There was something special about being in a strange place, all alone in a mass of people even if you had just screwed up your life, or perhaps especially if you had just screwed up your life (Even If Quotes)
We may be surrounded by some greater reality, to which we are oblivious. And even if we could somehow perceive it in some entirely new way, it is extremely doubtful we would be able to comprehend what we perceived (Even If Quotes)
We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them (Even If Quotes)
Huizi would say, never look back to the past. Never regret. Even if there is emptiness ahead, never look back (Even If Quotes)
Life was a short window and there was no sense in doing the wrong thing over and over even if it was so difficult to stop (Even If Quotes)
You must know that you are worth much to me whether you accomplish anything or not. Even if you are rejected in the world’s eyes, you are valuable to me (Even If Quotes)
If two people love the same thing, she reasoned, then they must love each other, at least a little, even if they never say it (Even If Quotes)
In his heart, he knew that there was no reason to be impolite to someone, even if they did work for you. There was such a thing as manners after all (Even If Quotes)
I learned you pay for your happiness. That’s why I don’t expect to be happy all the time. I’d rather be surprised by one moment every so often to remind me that joy is possible, even if I have to pay for it later (Even If Quotes)
Sometimes, people have a tendency not to notice someone who’s always there, even if that person’s the best thing for them (Even If Quotes)
And it’s not just a matter of you hurting me. I will hurt you too, even if I don’t want to, I’m not the girl you think I am. And you will remember this conversation, and wish that you’d listened to me (Even If Quotes)
The sun is still there... even if clouds drift over it. Once you have experienced the reality of sunshine you may weep, but you will never feel ice about your heart again (Even If Quotes)
... Whatever condition we are in, we must always do what we want to do, and if we want to go on a journey, then we must do so and not worry about our condition, even if it’s the worst possible condition, because, if it is, we’re finished anyway, whether we go on the journey or not, and it’s better to die having made the journey we’re been longing for than to be stifled by our longing (Even If Quotes)
You have to learn to look at someone you truly adore through eyes that really aren´t your own. It´s as if a person has to become another person altogether to be able to take a hard look. Good people protect people they love, even if that means pretending that everything is okay (Even If Quotes)
In our life there are moments when we have to move forward... Regardless of how others may see us. Even if I make a mistake, I wont regret it! (Even If Quotes)
Never be afraid of doing the thing you know in your heart is right, even if others don’t agree (Even If Quotes)